Read SEROUT? - VMusic2
Trying to use a BS1OEM with the VMusic2. Can't get it to even run the demo program on the Scary Terry site. I have a BS2 and a Picaxe working fine. It is not the VMusic2, because I tested it with a working prop. Trying to troubleshoot this thing. Anyone help with the easiest way to read the serial output of a pin so I can see what if anything is being sent to the VMusic2? Thanks.
It's using T2400, so when it's "idle" (doing nothing) then the SEROUT pin should be +5V· The BS2 Demo uses "84", 9600 True, so in that respect it's the same.
I'd try modifying the BS2 Demo for 2400bps to see if the firmware updrade upgrade·took.
What's Scary Terry got to say?
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 9/28/2008 8:32:21 PM GMT