Datalogger to hold rfid database
I'm putting together an RFID sytem that will be using a lot of tags.· I'm using a BS2 with the parallax RFID reader to activate a couple of outputs.· This works well using some internal memory to hold the tag information.· I would like to add the datalogger to the system to hold all the tags information.· The USB drive would·hold a txt file constructed on a computer with the tags info and then be plugged into the
datalogger module and the BS2 would just read and compare the data as the cards are swiped.·Does anyone have bare minumum code to do this?
Thanks and have a great weekend.
datalogger module and the BS2 would just read and compare the data as the cards are swiped.·Does anyone have bare minumum code to do this?
Thanks and have a great weekend.
If you go to the Parallax Datalogger product page there is all sorts of documentation, including sample programs. Here is the link:,ProductName
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 9/27/2008 2:40:11 PM GMT
Just as a matter of information, there are other Stamp compatible dataloogers available, such as the one offered by Hitt Consulting (Terry Hitt = "Bean"):
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
A USB is ideal.
I think a lot of the issues customers are having with the Datalogger is that they don’t understand what is happening with the code in the demo and test files. You have to reference the firmware specification to properly utilize the Datalogger because 99% of the function of the unit is a function of the chip on it. This chip can do more than just data logging. One customer who contacted·me was·confused by all the bytes in a SEROUT command that were responsible for writing data. There are 4 bytes for the size of the data, plus a carriage return to terminate the command. This mixed in with similar bytes already being sent to the file could be confusing if not for the firmware specification as a reference. If you compare the data that is being written with the command bytes requires as per this datasheet, you can see what is happening more clearly. On this product in particular, I urge anyone who is having trouble to examine the command being sent and then to look up in the firmware specification what bytes are required. Compare this in our code to what were are sending and I hope this will make more sense. I do have a few projects on hold which will use the Datalogger and hopefully provide more insight. But until then I hope this advice helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Post Edited (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 9/29/2008 5:27:29 PM GMT