Baud rate Between $STAMPS?
·I'm tring to use a program written for the BS2 on a BS2P40! Using 2400Baud.On a ONEWIRE Bus·w/ [noparse][[/noparse]SEROUT / SERIN]. ·I have changed the "Baud···· CON··· 396" for the BS2; ·to "Baud·CON·1021" for the BS2P40 along w/ the directive {stamp BS2} to {stamp bsp}.....This program works great on the BS2, But when used on the BS2P40 all I get is "hirocliffick" or some out of range values in $HEX ????···· What In the World Am I· missing?????.... I have included some file ATTCH. below that apply to this topic..Any help·or Insite ,·will be grately APP.
Which version of the manual are you looking at? My version (2.2) does have a formula for calculating Baudmode. For the BS2px it lists:
INT(4,000,000/baud rate) - 20
It's on page 418. Is this what you're talking about?
Post Edited ($WMc%) : 9/29/2008 12:24:27 AM GMT
Your duplicate post has been removed. Please do not post duplicate messages on the same subject. Follow up in your original thread so we can follow the progress. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering