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PASM Complete Prop lockup — Parallax Forums

PASM Complete Prop lockup

TJHJTJHJ Posts: 243
edited 2008-09-30 17:11 in Propeller 1
So I can not seem to figure out what is going on and why everything justs stops. I am using a UOLED-128-GMD1 as an output to check calcualtion and such.
It stops updating as soon as the new cog with the PASM is stared.

So as a challange to learn asm, I thought I would make a semi PWM thing, should help me get the basics down.
The goal is output one freqency on a pin to go to a transformer to make ac, through a fet.
Then place a diode, so its 1/2 wave rectified, while the first pin is high, take another mosfet and and turn it into a frequency, by deviding it into equal segments.

I came up with this as something that I could look at with the scope and see, but also something I can not do in spin. Instead of using the counters I am using looped wait commands. To try out and see 1st hand the PASM speed.

So any suggestions ideas?

long start 
long freqon
long freqoff
long Ondelay
long internaldutytime
long dutycount
long data
long cog
long stack1[noparse][[/noparse]50]    
long TotalTime 
Pub run (freqonIN, FreqoffIN, secondSegmentNumber, SecondSegmentTime ondelaytime)  

Freqon := FreqonIN
Freqoff := FreqoffIn
dutycount := SecondSegmentNumber
internalDutytime := secondsegmentTime
ondelay := ondelaytime


 cognew(screen,@stack1)  ' Runs a repeat loop ouputting the above numebrs to a screen and count updated every 1 second so I can make sure its working.

 waitcnt(clkfreq*3 +cnt)  ' let the screen load up 
cognew(@entry, @start)     ' start the pasm

entry   mov     location, par                'get first location
        add location, #4                          ' Move 1 increment long
        wrlong freqonloc, location                  ' Store adress of freq in freqloc
        add location, #4                          ' move another loc long 
        wrlong freqoffloc, location                  ' Store adress of freq in freqloc
        add location, #4
        wrlong ondelayloc, location               ' ondelay location
        add location, #4                          'Move 1 long
        wrlong internaldutytimeloc, location          ' internal duty location
        add location, #4
        wrlong dutycountloc, location             ' internal dutycount location
        add location, #4
        or dira, mask1                              'set pins output
        or dira, mask2                                        
:dataup  rdlong freqon1, freqonloc                    'store data, yeah I know i have to wait for the access window, but figured it would be easier to debug. 
        rdlong freqoff1, freqoffloc
        rdlong ondelay1, ondelayloc
        rdlong internaldutytime1, internaldutytimeloc
        rdlong dutycount1, dutycountloc
:loop   andn outa , mask1                                 ' turn off Pin1 and pin2
        andn outa, mask2
        mov time, cnt                                ' Wait low side of pulse       
        waitcnt time, freqoff1
        or outa, mask1                                 ' Turn on pin1, highside time. 
        wrlong loopcount, dutycount1                      ' Set loopcount to the small duty count
        mov time, cnt                                      'Wait for the on delay %
        waitcnt time, ondelay1 
:onloop or outa, mask2                   ' Pin1 is on, turn on pin 2
        mov time, cnt
        waitcnt time, internaldutytime1       ' Waitcnt small segment loop 
        andn outa, mask2                     'turn off pin 2
        mov time, cnt
        waitcnt time, internaldutytime1       ' Waitcnt small segment loop
        sub loopcount, #2                     'subtract 2 from loopcount 
        tjz loopcount, :loop                  ' Jump to main loop if loopcount = 0
        jmp :onloop                           ' go back to onloop if we havent finished our on time yet. 
dataupdated             res 1
location                res 1                    
freqonloc               res 1
freqoffloc              res 1
ondelayloc              res 1
internaldutytimeloc     res 1
dutycountloc            res 1
time                    res 1

freqon1                 res 1
freqoff1                res 1
ondelay1                res 1
internaldutytime1       res 1
dutycount1              res 1
loopcount               res 1
mask1 long |< pin1                  
mask2 long |< pin2

Thank you all as always.


  • tpw_mantpw_man Posts: 276
    edited 2008-09-26 19:44
    You must use an # after jump labels. Doing "jmp #[noparse]:o[/noparse]nloop" instructs the compiler to jump to the address that [noparse]:o[/noparse]nloop points to, but "jmp [noparse]:o[/noparse]nloop" makes it jump to the value of [noparse]:o[/noparse]nloop, which means it would be jumping to the value of the first instruction after the label.

    I am 1011, so be surprised!

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  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,562
    edited 2008-09-26 19:54
    'You must use an # after jump labels" - tpw_man


    the lines that read ...
    mask1 long |< pin1·················
    mask2 long |< pin2
    ... should come before your 'res 1' statements.

    Can you provide some example parameters that you are using for ... freqonIN, FreqoffIN, secondSegmentNumber, SecondSegmentTime, ondelaytime
    It would also help to use the "File->Archive->Project" option to create and attach future files.

    Edit: taking another glance...

    take a look at how you are using the waitcnt command...

    ······· mov time, cnt······························· ' Wait low side of pulse······
    ······· waitcnt time, freqoff1

    ...when you move cnt into time, and then wait for that value, the event is already gone and you have to wait until the counter rolls over.

    Instead, do something like this...
    ······· mov time, cnt······························· ' Wait low side of pulse······
    ······· add time, freqoff1························· ' <-- This sets the time variable to a value that is some amount of time into the future that·the counter has not reached yet
    ······· waitcnt time, #0
    ...The 'Delta' option I set to #0 above, but it might be worth looking into for your application.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 9/26/2008 8:20:12 PM GMT
  • TJHJTJHJ Posts: 243
    edited 2008-09-26 20:24
    Thanks for the help so far. Well on the upside it no longer locks up. Now it justs dumps a whole bunch of jibbeish, to the screen. after the cog starts.

    As requested here is the archive file, with a testrun function on the top.

    Maybe someone else will get some use out of it, if it can be fixed.

    Thanks again,


    For the edit, thanks Beau,

    mov time, cnt······························· '·the current counter is·now stored in time.
    waitcnt time, freqoff1··················· ' Im not waiting for time+freqoff1? to reach in the counter?

    ' time should be the current counter value, and waitcnt is waiting for time+ freqoff1?·Or am I misreading that in that it doesnt add them when it runs the waitcnt command.

    Post Edited (TJHJ) : 9/26/2008 8:32:53 PM GMT
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,562
    edited 2008-09-26 22:09

    "time should be the current counter value,..." - that's correct here...

    mov time, cnt

    ...but when you get to here...

    waitcnt time, freqoff1

    ...the value for 'cnt' has already passed the value your testing against.... 'time'

    "...and waitcnt is waiting for time+ freqoff1?" - No, waitcnt will wait for 'time' to equal the value of the counter.· When that condition is met, then 'freqoff1' will be added to 'time' and stored in 'time' in·anticipation for the next waitcnt.· In this case 'freqoff1'·becomes a delta offset to preset any subsequent waitcnt instructions.

    The way you have it, waitcnt will sit there for about 54 seconds (assuming your running at 80MHz) because the initial counter value was missed.

    (2^32/80_000_000) = 53.6 seconds

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 9/26/2008 10:22:18 PM GMT
  • TJHJTJHJ Posts: 243
    edited 2008-09-30 17:11
    Ahh I see it now, thats a very slick system, saves the add cycle if used correctly.
    Thanks for the help

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