9 Volt Power Supply
I have a Basic Stamp homework board that I want to run 24x7.· Can anyone recommend a porew adaptor and battery connector cable?· Do I need to make this myself?
Post Edited (jwalker) : 9/25/2008 10:07:22 AM GMT
Post Edited (jwalker) : 9/25/2008 10:07:22 AM GMT
- Stephen
2) RadioShack sells a nice, compact 6V AC adapter (#273-1763). There's also a 9V adapter (#273-1768) if you prefer that.
Both would require a 9V battery clip (#270-325) that you'd have to solder onto the leads from the AC adapter.
Be aware that the colors on this battery clip are for connecting to a battery, not substituting for one and they're
backwards for what you want (black = +9V, red = - 9V). Make sure you check that it's wired correctly and has the right
voltage polarity (with a multimeter) before you connect it to your homework board.
·"If you build it, they will come."