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Design flaw in BoeBot — Parallax Forums

Design flaw in BoeBot

stavrosstavros Posts: 22
edited 2008-09-28 23:43 in Robotics

I was wondering how could the engineers of parallax have overseen such an obvious fault.
The ball on the rear (used as a 3rd wheel) rotates around an horizontal (while watching it from the rear) stable axis.So it has only got one degree of freedom.
As a result during the rotation of the whole boebot the ball slips and thus friction is developed between the ball and the floor,making it hard to rotate smoothly,putting more strain on the servos and making them wear out and consume more power.
This ball should have two degrees of freedom so as the boebot can rotate freely.The best in my opinion would be to use an omni-directional ball.
Maybe the results of the friction arent so noticeable but I still regard it as a serious design flaw,which moreover has a negative·aesthetic impact on the whole kit.


  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2008-09-24 13:04
    That's why the ball is made of a slippery plastic, which slides easily. That's not a bug, that's a feature.

    A "serious design flaw" is one that prevents functioning. A "minor design flaw" is one that impacts functioning. Perhaps using such an inexpensive method for a 'caster' does have an impact on power consumption. I'm sure if you came up with a solution that cost the same as a cotter-pin and a plastic ball, and that had less resistance in two planes of motion, Parallax would love to see it.

    If it's really true that your perception of the rear ball "has a negative aesthetic impact on the whole kit", then it sounds like you're allowing one small issue to color your view of the entire solution. This kind of perfectionism is not rare in engineers, but it is something to be careful of. You need to be careful of it, because indulging this perfectionism leads to perfect optimization of one small aspect of your solution -- the rear pivot -- at the cost of the entire solution. Sure, a $10 omni-directional ball might be more "aesthetically pleasing" to you, but if it raises the price of the kit too much, nobody will buy it, or Parallax won't be able to afford to produce it.

    There's lots of phrases to remind you of the danger of this approach. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face." "Don't shoot yourself in the foot."

    If it's still a problem for you, there are other companies that make $300 kits and above that use tank treads that don't use the "comprimise" of a plastic pivot ball. They have OTHER comprimises in terms of battery life, though. The over $1,000 market is quite sophisticated, as well.
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-09-24 14:52
    The boe bot is designed so that only about 60%(estimate) of the weight is behind the main axles, and this reduces the amount of friction on the ball. It would be a big design flaw if the two drive wheels were all the way at the end, therefore putting 100% of the weight behind the axles with no balance.
  • stavrosstavros Posts: 22
    edited 2008-09-24 16:58
    First of all even if its slippery there is still some friction. I dont know the chemical properties of the ball that make it slippery and if that slipperyness is constrained only on the outer surface of the ball but if so,isnt it possible that this outer surface may loose its slipperyness,due to use, and become coarse thus increasing friction?
    Even if the cost of an omnidirectional ball is too much they could still add a vertical axis of rotation by separating a small part of the metal chasis with the ball on it and reattaching it on the same place on the rest of the chasis by using a single small bolt in the middle with only a few·threads at its end.This cant be so expensive,i suppose its a 3$ addition.I would do it myself if only I had the proper tools to cut such metal
    However if the friction on the joint that i described,·is about the same as the friction on the ball then changing something is only a matter of aesthetics.So lab tests are required so as to determine the friction coefficients in each case.
    Im not an engineer but unfortunately a perfectionist.

    PS. Also I think parallax should release a better kind of rubber bands for the wheels so that they dont tear and thus it wouldnt be necessary to include 4 of them in the kit.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-09-24 17:48

    The ball looks to be made of UHMW polyethylene, a material nearly as slippery as Teflon. So the slipperiness is not confined to the outer surface, and it will never "wear off".

    Engineering, as you must know, involves dealing with the tradeoffs extant in the real world. There is never a perfect solution to any design issue, and compromise — due to physics, cost, or both — must rule the day, or nothing will ever get done. Even the solutions you propose have their downside. Casters, because they're cantilevered, apply torque to their vertical axis, which translates to additional friction. And who hasn't fought a shopping cart whose rear casters malfunction? Dual axis balls have to be supported somehow, which by necessity translates to their outer surface. And that surface has to either roll or slide against its supporting structure. In either case, the amount of torque required to turn it will be greater than that required to turn a single-axis ball supported on a thin axle. Then, as if friction weren't enough of a bugaboo, there's "stiction", the tendency of surfaces at rest to adhere to each other until they break free and begin sliding. For a device as light-weight as the BOE-Bot, this could be the overriding concern. Imagine, if you will, a two-axis ball that won't turn at all because there's not enough force on it to break the stiction.

    No, Parallax did the right thing with their rear ball. The tiny lateral axis requires minimal torque to rotate upon. And the single point of contact between the floor and a very slippery sphere makes turning on a dime effortless. What could be simpler, more cost-effective, and less prone to malfunction than that?

    A design flaw? Hardly!

  • DufferDuffer Posts: 374
    edited 2008-09-24 18:31
    Engineering considerations aside (please), I think that the Boe Bot does an excellent job of teaching the underlying fundamentals of microcontrollers, robotics and digital logic without getting sidetracked by·an overengineered complex hardware platform. Remember that the Boe Bot is first and foremost an educational tool, not the means to the perfect robotic platform. The focus of the "engineering" of the Boe Bot is simplicity and buildability (is that a word?). The Boe Bot is intended to teach and demonstrate some of the fundamentals of electronic engineering, not mechanical engineering.

    Just my thoughts and reasons why I chose the Boe Bot as a starting point to get back into electronics and especially robotics.

  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-09-24 19:57
    These tailwheels fit the Boe-bot really well if you want to customize your bot -- the main tailwheel strut can be bolted onto the chassis above the battery holder. Nice caster with a rubber wheel.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • WileyHunterWileyHunter Posts: 2
    edited 2008-09-24 20:44
    Considering that the Boe-Bot is meant to be an 'introduction' to robotics, aimed especially at school-aged kids, and is very economical, I think they nailed the design perfectly. The casterball is FUNCTIONAL, and does not hamper the basic operations of the Boe-Bot as advertised. Now if you were finding something like the casterball, on the more expensive and also more advanced robot, the QuadRover for instance, than yes you would have a valid point. If you are now trying to advance the capabilities of your Boe-Bot, then maybe you should design in a better (in your eyes), way to caster it.

    Please don't take something that was meant to introduce folks to robotics (or anything for that matter) and create a problem that the manufacturer has to FIX, thus raising the cost of the introductory kit.
  • stavrosstavros Posts: 22
    edited 2008-09-24 21:36
    Thanks for enlightening me PhiPi· (maybe you should transcribe your whole name using greek letters,it will look more weird to the english speaking people lol.gif ).

    As stiction I think you are refering to static friction.

    A moving box is different than a moving wheel. In the case of a box before the motion starts static friction continuously increases until it reaches a peak called marginal static friction.Just after that the motion starts and we have·sliding friction which is slightly lower than the marginal friction and steady.So if the force is not enough to overcome stiction then we dont have motion.(i hope i have used correct english terms).In the case of a wheel when there is not enough force to break the stiction the wheel will roll,otherwise it would slide.When the rolling starts we have the rolling friction at the point of contact with the floor,which tends to slow down the wheel.This rolling friction is much less than sliding friction.Rolling friction is a necessary evil,and the goal is to eliminate sliding friction.If im mistaken somewhere please correct me.

    Im not sure if I understand well but it depends about which axis are you referring to for the force to overcome the stiction,horizontal axis(ball-floor) or vertical axis(vertical metalic joint).On the horizontal axis we have rolling friction while in forward-backward motion,and i dont think we can ever have any sliding given the low speed of the bot.And overcoming stiction on the horizontal axis is not the goal for the above reason.On the vertical axis im not sure what happens(an engineer should answer this),if the hole at the joint is exactly the same size as the diameter of the bolt then we have sliding friction,but if the hole is slightly larger which is more probable then we might have both sliding or rolling,or only sliding or only rolling.Anyway it depends on lots of parameters and i think im already becoming annoying for you with my obsession on such a detail.rolleyes.gif

    I agree with you Duffer,the boebot is·very good·in the electronic engineering part.
  • stavrosstavros Posts: 22
    edited 2008-09-24 21:52
    Have a look at this

    The sphere in the middle can rotate freely by any axis. Such a device in a smaller scale i think would be a perfect solution for the rear wheel.
    If you PhiPi or anybody else is an engineer,please tell me how on the world this little device works(why the ball doesnt get out of the base)
    I suspect that the base inside has got something like mini plastic rollers that form a circle a little bit above the equator of the sphere.

    Thanks Zoot it looks really nice,perhaps ill go for it.wink.gif
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-09-24 21:59
    You can get inexpensive plastic and metal omni-directional ball casters here:

    Nice when space is tight and you know surfaces will be relatively smooth (e.g. wood floor, table top, etc). I like the tailwheels myself because they provide a little bit of "spring" and roll over rougher surfaces pretty well.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • stavrosstavros Posts: 22
    edited 2008-09-24 22:19
    Wow Zoot thanks a lotsmilewinkgrin.gif

    This is exactly what I had in mind as an omni-directional ball(different than the two-axis tail-wheel)! The cheapest costs 3$ and the most expensive 7$. After all Parallax could easily adopt one with minimal increase in price.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2008-09-24 22:28
    The interesting thing is that I have tested those omni ball casters and after getting just a little dirt in there they no longer want to roll. I had the same luck with standard caster wheels. By contrast, I have never had any issues with the ball on the BOE-Bot. Of course, it’s a small lightweight robot which exerts little force on the ball. As for omni-wheels, so far I haven’t seen any I can handle in the sense that, running across the tabletop they sound like Gatling gun. The transition from one side-roller to the next creates too much racket for me. Perhaps on a larger robot it would be an okay choice.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Engineering
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-09-24 22:40
    One thing to note with the Pololu casters is that the ball has three points of vertical (load-bearing) contact with the interinal nylon spacers, plus lateral (non-load-bearing) contact with the Delrin housing. It doesn't roll on these surfaces either: it rubs against them without any mechanical advantage (i.e. the rub radius equals the ball radius). Compared with the Parallax ball (one rolling axis with a 16:1 mechanical advantage, i.e. 1" ball:1/16" hole; and a single rub point on the other axis), I suspect these ball casters don't roll with any more ease.


    'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2008-09-25 00:42
    I heartily agree with·PhiPi. A lot of friction is present in those "ball-pressed-into-a-socket" casters. They cause exactly as much drag in the forward direction as they do in a turn. The stock BoE-Bot roller rolls much easier in the forward direction, even if it does skid in a turn. Seems like this is the lesser of all evils, as a robot should drive straight forward/reverse more than it turns. And when it does try to go straight with differential drive, the stock roller should at least minimally help with directional stability, ie, going straight, since that's the way it prefers to go.

    Real rubber wheel, ball bearing casters (as some people use on larger robots) will give the lowest rolling resistance in any direction, but they actually cause directional instability when changing directions, since the wheel carrier has to pivot off-center before it rolls. A real caster wheel in a useable size for the BoE-Bot is hard to find. Here are some doll-furniture casters, but I doubt they're any good.·

    BTW,·consider the CBA robot, which has a simple drawer pull as a skid. As long as there's not much weight on it, and the rubber tires have good grip, that's just about as good as one of these ball casters.

    It's hard to second-guess those Parallax guys. They're sharp.

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2008-09-25 01:29
    Over 100,000+ Boe-Bots are in use right now, and I am pretty certain that this is perhaps the third (3rd) time I have heard an engineering complaint about the rear tail wheel design as being a design failure. Usually I hear all of these types of comments, too. I'm not discounting your design concerns, either. I have nothing but confidence that this little ball is a perfect low-friction solution for this robot. It is also cost effective, simple to install, and involves few moving parts. As for the rubber band tires, we can always throw more in a package and send them to you. This DIY-looking approach is part of the Boe-Bots character, for certain.

    However, if you want a nice friction-free tail wheel here's what you can now buy from Parallax at $79.99. It has dual sealed bearings, 20+ lb weight capacity and it rolls sideways. This tail wheel goes with our 12V Motor Mount and Wheel kit. However, it was designed without any load-bearing, friction, or pressure calculations in mind. We·have 100 units in kitting right now.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.

    700 x 802 - 94K
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2008-09-25 02:13
    Wow Ken! You are full of surprises.


    "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-09-25 03:41
    Well, I'll throw in a short physics term lesson.

    There are two kinds of friction: static and kinetic.

    Static friction is what prevents stuff from sliding around (like a book an an incline, a nut on a screw, or a car parked on a hill)

    Kinetic friction is part of the effort required to move stuff around (every try dragging a box?)

    Now onto wheels. The friction between the outer rim of the wheel and the ground is what turn the wheel. In most cases (drag racers excluded) the outer rim of the wheel does not move relative to the ground when it is in contact. Therefore, it has static friction. That sounds bad, you say. Yet this translates into mechanical advantage, and so the friction that you want to consider is that of the axel and the bearings. The wheel is not a wheel unless there is static friction on the outer rim and kinetic friction somewhere on the inside.

    To translate to engineering: you can get perfect wheels if you eliminate kinetic friction from your designs. Since static friction does not take work to keep active, you won't waste energy to keep such a system in motion. Now, this is highly unlikely in the real world, but so far ball bearings can get pretty close. Think about the design: all the weight is on components that rely on static friction to operate. The kinetic friction is all on the sides, where there is much less Ffr.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2008-09-25 16:20

    Thanks for the information…if it was April 1st I would remind Ken that he forgot to mention our soon to be released friction-free anti-gravity drive system with ion propulsion. =) <sigh> Someday...

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Engineering
  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2008-09-25 16:22
    Aha! THAT'S what we need to make flying cars! AND "The Matrix".
  • PARPAR Posts: 285
    edited 2008-09-25 18:08
    stavros said...

    I was wondering how could the engineers of parallax have overseen such an obvious fault.
    ·... ,which moreover has a negative·aesthetic impact on the whole kit.
    On the contrary, how could we have had this most interesting conversation about design and engineering and physics issues without this beautifully illustrative ball ??!!

    What an education to the novice robot maker !

    Friction, degrees of freedom, materials science, economics lessons, trade-offs and payoffs, energy management, goal seeking, ..., ....

    Brilliant choice !!

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2008-09-25 19:40
    PAR - right on. Issues like this one are a blend of product marketing, economics and engineering. What's best for one faction may conflict with another. It's difficult to see everything align. Nobody brought up the SumoBot, which surprises me. If the Boe-Bot's tail wheel presents concerns, what about the SumoBot's scoop that drags along on the ground, catching on any imperfection in the surface?

    There's so much to robotics beyond programming. Any given aspect could be the focus of long-term experimentation. Some of my robots never even rolled - I used them to learn how to design a particular subsystem (like the engine/alternator/voltage regulator project).

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • stavrosstavros Posts: 22
    edited 2008-09-25 20:16
    I havent thought of that Chris but perhaps a way of preventing those balls from collecting dirt would be to make them from antistatic plastic, if there is such a thing.It looks like you are underestimating boe-bot,its not only kids who buy it.But even if so,why dont you develop lets say a 300$ kit(similar to boe-bot philosophy)·which is going to be bigger and maybe targeted to the intermediate or advanced users?

    Thanks for your info and suggestion erco. While the rubber wheels seem superior to those of the boe-bot,i dont like the rear "thing" even though you say its almost equal to the ball caster.Its just not aesthetically pleasingtongue.gif .If it had significantly less drag then I would certainly overlook the aesthetics.

    Ken I suppose you are suggesting this tail wheel for a larger bot and not for the boe-bot since it looks huge.(is it an aircraft wheel?tongue.gif ).I think its not on your store yet. I also think that this tail wheel and the 12V Motor Mount and Wheel kit are quite overpriced,but I would seriously consider them for a big robot if you dropped the price, maybe 30% off.

    SRLM thanks for contributing to the physics of the issue.What you call kinetic friction, I can deduct the conclusion that it is what I call sliding friction,maybe I havent used the best english term.I agree with what you say.You just forgot to mention the rolling friction because it also exists,even though that its not so popular.Mainly it has to do with the elasticity of the tire and the floor and their deformation during rolling which produces this kind of friction.But of course in the macroscopic world this is not even an issue.

    Chris I demand that you release on your store the friction-free anti-gravity drive system with ion propulsion at the price of 50$hop.gif

    PAR· maybe· brilliant choice would also be if parallax released a unicycle boebot. You should see then how many threads there would be commenting on why doesnt it achieve dynamic balance.idea.gif
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-09-26 00:58
    For higher end robots, Parallax has the Penguin and the QuadRover (for really high end). If you want a rolling version, I'm guessing that they expect you to have the skills to build one (maybe using the big wheels). Parallax is an education type company. Except for their microcontrollers, most professionals would probably go elsewhere to get what they need in order to build a system. So Parallax looks at the target market, and says "What can they afford/want to buy?" Hence the Boe-Bot. Now that's all speculation, but it could be accurate. And who knows, maybe they are comming out with a bigger robot sometime soon. Have you noticed how many products have come out recently (Quadrover, wheel/encoder kit, infrared thermometer, PPDB, USB RFID, etc)
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2008-09-26 02:55
    Marketing guy just arrive on the scene. . . price. . .One of my favorites! Somebody has to appreciate the boring business details.

    stavros, whether or not the 12V Motor and Wheel Mounts are a fair price depends largely on something we rarely measure as hobbyists: our time! What if you had to build an R/C airplane from scratch? Would that experience make a $300 ARF kit more price-worthy? The same applies to robotics - we need all the help we can get with the time we have for this hobby. $300 spent on our 12V Motor and Wheel Mounts + a tail wheel gives you a tremendously capable platform that can carry a child. This is really hard to beat.

    Considering the value of your time and the high quality of the particular product, I'd say it's more than a fair price. In fact, it violates some basic cost/pricing rules we've established by being a record low profit-maker coupled with high volume. These machined products exist only for our customers needs, and because they'll also sell our other hardware (micros, sensors, HB-25s, etc.) but on their own they're a tremendous looser. For you, they're an awesome value!

    They're also made in the USA. One machinist hour with benefits costs us $80. The CNC milling machine is $55K and the engineer who designed the product spent three months of time with prototypes, electronics and documentation. We'd have to sell 10K units to start to recover our investment. . . but that's not why we made them. They're a real bonus for our customers. In any other company the accountants and marketing staff may squash such products. I just remembered that the motors are surplus - I had to buy $30K of them just to ensure a reasonable lifespan without redesign.

    Competitors: don't do what we did! You might go out of business if you follow our open-sourced business model explained above!

    The pictures on our web site simply don't do the 12V Motor Mount and Wheel kit justice. You'd need to see these up close to appreciate them. I bet then you'd say they're a reasonable price.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-09-26 13:16
    No, I hold my stance that there is only *two* types of friction: static and kinetic. What you are talking about ("rolling friction") has to do with the elasticity of the wheel, not any friction. I suppose elasticity can be thought of (in part) by internal friction of a material, but that doesn't really do it justice. Want to find out how much energy goes to waste do to the elastic motion of the tire? Measure how much heat it gives off when in use. Most well inflated systems are very effecient. Just feel your bike tires after a long ride.

    BTW, I'm enjoying the debate Stavros and hold no hard feelings ...

    Edit: of course, the elasticity of the wheel wastes very little energy. You'd be better off making more aerodynamic than worrying about tire flex. (Perhaps 100x better off)

    Post Edited (SRLM) : 9/26/2008 1:22:19 PM GMT
  • sailman58sailman58 Posts: 162
    edited 2008-09-26 14:01
    Anybody who does their own food shopping can tell you how well the front caster wheels hold up in shopping carts. In the case of the Boe-bot the simple solution is the elegant solution.

  • kelvin jameskelvin james Posts: 531
    edited 2008-09-27 05:56
    What's wrong with the ball transfer roller, they cost around $4, this one weighs 3 oz., and they will last forever. I suppose people just don't like metal rollers.
    194 x 150 - 57K
  • PARPAR Posts: 285
    edited 2008-09-27 15:10
    kelvin james said...
    What's wrong with the ball transfer roller, they cost around $4, this one weighs 3 oz., and they will last forever. I suppose people just don't like metal rollers.
    You may wish to try one on your BoeBot, and let us know how it works under various travel substrate conditions and for a variety of goals (uses to which the BoeBot may be put), esp. compared to the standard-equiped BoeBot.

  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2008-09-27 17:39
    I love metal rollers. But everything has benefits and drawbacks. Try it and see.

    Plus, it's not a good idea to make conclusions like "I suppose people just don't like xyz...". When you do that, you stop listening to other opinions. That can be expensive.
  • kelvin jameskelvin james Posts: 531
    edited 2008-09-27 19:29
    Just putting the idea out, one can take it or leave it. I was asking for an opinion on why these would not be suitable. My assumption about metal rollers comes from some research of caster offerings from robot web sites that is basically limited to plastic construction. I have used these for other applications as an omnidirectional roller, and they are virtually frictionless. If someone wants a nice little plastic caster assembly, the irobot caster can be had, but it costs $40.
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