BS2px24 on the way
Hey all,
Up till now I've been fooling around with the BS2. But as the Subject line suggests, I've got a BS2px24 on the way. Besides the extra commands listed in the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual and the Addendum listed here:, are there any other resources available (example code, projects, etc.) that show off the capabilities of this microcontroller?
Deus tantum me iudicabit
Post Edited (servello) : 9/21/2008 6:19:03 AM GMT
Up till now I've been fooling around with the BS2. But as the Subject line suggests, I've got a BS2px24 on the way. Besides the extra commands listed in the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual and the Addendum listed here:, are there any other resources available (example code, projects, etc.) that show off the capabilities of this microcontroller?
Deus tantum me iudicabit
Post Edited (servello) : 9/21/2008 6:19:03 AM GMT
·I have found this to be self explan.·· ___WMc___out__
Here is a BS-2P book you can download for free:,ProductName
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
By your recommendations I guess the BS2p and the BS2px are basically the same then, besides the speed, sink current and the two extra commands that the BS2px has.
Deus tantum me iudicabit
I'm running version 2.3.1 of the IDE. I see a new version was just released. Can I just run it, or do I have to uninstall my current version? Also, would you happen to know the current firmware version for the BS2?
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Deus tantum me iudicabit
You can find all the information through Penguin Tech.
Thanks. I did a search and found an 8 page premier issue in pdf form. You didn't post a link, so I hope this is what you were referring to. If it is, it seems very well put together. You are to be complimented for such a fantastic resource. However, it seems like the code links are all pertaining to the Penguin Robot and robot issues in general. As I do not have any robots could you maybe point out one or a few examples in the list that might be helpful to me?
Again, thanks.
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The BS2 and 2pe·like 32,·· ....··The 2p (24 and 40) like 110, but until I stumbled onto a line in a post here about using 188, I couldn't get my 4X20 to work with the 2px. I changed the 110 to 188 and all works well.
··· Darlene
Thanks for the heads-up.
I can't try it out for myself yet because the BS2px24 hasn't arrived yet.
By the way, I do use a Parallax LCD.
After reading your post, I decided to check out the Baudmodes in the BASIC Stamp Manual.
BS2, BS2e, BS2pe ---> Baud Rate 9600 ---> 84 (8-bit/no parity/true) <--- You say it should be 32
BS2, BS2e, BS2pe ---> Baud Rate 4800 ---> 188 (8-bit/no parity/true) <--- This shouldn't work with a BS2px
BS2p ---> Baud Rate 9600 ---> 240 (8-bit/no parity/true) <--- You say it should be 24 or 40
BS2px ---> Baud Rate 9600 ---> 396 (8-bit/no parity/true) <--- You say it should be 188
Now I'm really confused.
Deus tantum me iudicabit
Post Edited (servello) : 9/22/2008 6:04:14 AM GMT
software list, and the second issue is about putting LCDs on the BS2px etc..
Look past the fact that the BS2px is on Penguin Robot. You don't need the
robot to run much of the code. In fact, you need no code changes for the
software listed below and your BS2px microcontroller from Parallax. Many
of these are fine examples of the power of the BS2px. Because of the power
and speed of this stamp, it opens up all new programming possibilities as
you can see.
Here's the links to the two magazines.
Penguin Tech Magazine Issue Number 1
Penguin Tech Magazine Issue Number 2
All the software is posted at the Parallax forum. You didn't mention
seeing magazine issue number 2. Some LCD stuff here too and stay tuned
for more on the way.
It's up to you to know what software code you want. Choose the ones
that don't require robot motion control. There's programs for the
segment display, sound, music, virtual reality, infrared, light sensors,
games, compass, LCD, menu, musical instruments, sleep machine,
radio, ultrasonic vision, KTV, timers, eye, jukebox, memory, Morse
Code, language, remote, vibrato, VR keyboard, touchpad, virtual
volume amp, visual alarm, display dimmer, virtual sound chip,
jammer, retina, sound determinator, and more that will work on your
new BS2px. Just follow the links given for each code name. Of course
you may need to add a peizo speaker on pin 12 or some required
Each issue will introduce new code as well. In issue 2, page 7, see
info for seven new software programs.
You are correct, I did not see the second issue.
Thank you for the links, they were very helpful.
Deus tantum me iudicabit
As is evident from my postings, I have quite a bit to learn.
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