LCD Slot Game for BS2
·· This program is a simple slot machine game for the BS2.· It displays to a 2X16 serial LCD but I think it
will also work with a 4x20 serial display.· Game sounds are provided by a piezo speaker.· It uses two
momentary pushbuttons (one for betting and the other to "spin" the reels).· You can win up to 65,553
dollars and bet up to $99 at one time (if you have the money).··Payoff credits range from 2 (one cherry)
to 100 (3 diamonds).· Credits are then multiplied by the bet amount, so the largest single payoff possible
is 9,900 dollars.· There is no provision for storing winnings above $65,553 so you will lose all your money
if you get greedy.· There are no "lemons" or blank spots on the slot reels and the odds of winning are
ridiculously high.· If you do some adjustments to the three LOOKUP tables you can change that.· Don't
expect a real slot machine to be this nice!
· Sorry for the lack of schematics.· If you need diagrams for the active-high pushbutton circuits you can
find them in the Parallax "What's a Microcontroller" book (on the front cover) and on page 76.· You can
also find an illustration on page 139 of the "Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual".· The piezo speaker
positive terminal is directly connected to PIN 10 of the Stamp.· The other terminal goes to Vss.· The LCD
Rx line is connected to PIN 13 of the Stamp.· The LCD 5V line connects to Vdd and the GND goes to Vss.
The LCD mode setting is 19,200.
········· Thank-You
will also work with a 4x20 serial display.· Game sounds are provided by a piezo speaker.· It uses two
momentary pushbuttons (one for betting and the other to "spin" the reels).· You can win up to 65,553
dollars and bet up to $99 at one time (if you have the money).··Payoff credits range from 2 (one cherry)
to 100 (3 diamonds).· Credits are then multiplied by the bet amount, so the largest single payoff possible
is 9,900 dollars.· There is no provision for storing winnings above $65,553 so you will lose all your money
if you get greedy.· There are no "lemons" or blank spots on the slot reels and the odds of winning are
ridiculously high.· If you do some adjustments to the three LOOKUP tables you can change that.· Don't
expect a real slot machine to be this nice!
· Sorry for the lack of schematics.· If you need diagrams for the active-high pushbutton circuits you can
find them in the Parallax "What's a Microcontroller" book (on the front cover) and on page 76.· You can
also find an illustration on page 139 of the "Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual".· The piezo speaker
positive terminal is directly connected to PIN 10 of the Stamp.· The other terminal goes to Vss.· The LCD
Rx line is connected to PIN 13 of the Stamp.· The LCD 5V line connects to Vdd and the GND goes to Vss.
The LCD mode setting is 19,200.
········· Thank-You

······························· Thank-you
···················· Thank-you
everything at once, sorry Chris.
···················· Thank-you
What is the chances to win 50:50 or less than that?
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Nice work.
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I.·- Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, uOLED-IOC, eProto fo SunSPOT, BitScope - a blog·exploring the SX micro
The short answer: yes, you could use a parallel display (pin count not withstanding...). The long answer: please start a new thread on this topic.