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vs1002 mp3 help — Parallax Forums

vs1002 mp3 help

science_geekscience_geek Posts: 247
edited 2008-09-19 03:08 in Propeller 1
i am currently working on getting the vs1002 to work and play mp3's, i have it sort of working, the problem is that its producing sound, but its very distorted and sounds like aliens. i have it hooked up like this, im using the example and am trying to play intheend.mp3
·vs1002 Breakout Board:
SO : Pin 0
SI : Pin1
SCLK : Pin 2
CS : Pin 3
DREQ : Pin 5
RST : 3.3V supply form Propeller
VCC :· 5V supply from Propeller
GND : Ground from Propeller
LEFT : Left channel speaker
RIGHT : Right channel speaker

SD Card :
DO : Pin 8
SCK : Pin 9
DI : Pin 10
CS : Pin 11
VCC : 3.3V from Propeller
GND : Gnd From Propeller
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