lcd display (non backlight)
Hello everyone, I have bought a parallax lcd display and connected it to my robot. I wanted to try it out and i have downloaded the demo from the parallax website to see if it works. When i run the the code it displays just "\" on the top row and nothing else. Could anyone help me with this, please?
Thank you
Thank you
At least give the links to the webstore page for the product and the demo program and either describe exactly how you've hooked it up or attach a drawing to your message.
Its connected by 3 pins to my ARobot's circuit board.
(if you bought an ARobot stock, it's almost certain a BS2, though, and the only other processor they sell is the BS2e, which uses the same codes, so that's probably not the problem).
If you're using a BS2 with code for a BS2, then I'd recheck your wiring and power supply. If you're getting a character, the power and ground lines almost have to be correct. Is your data line going to the pin you are using to transmit data?
Post Edited (sylvie369) : 9/18/2008 4:39:40 PM GMT
The .BS2 demo program assumes 19,200 Baud. Is your display set that way? I'd actually recommend 2400 Baud for initial testing, then maybe using 9600 Baud. You have to change the DIP-switch settings and the LcdBaud constant at the beginning of the demo program (to T2400 or T9600). 19,200 Baud is more susceptable to noise and timing problems than the lower speeds.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
It might help. I was only sending garbage to the LCD and I found that the constant value is not 110 like the documentation says but 185 @ 19k baud.
You might want to try that to find the right speed. You can adjust the value of the FOR NEXT loop for the range you want to test. The text will appear on the LCD when the right speed is reach.
TXpin CON 0
LcdOn1 CON $16
LcdCls CON $0C
i VAR Word
FOR i = 150 to 200
pause 1500
serout TXpin, i , [noparse][[/noparse]LcdOn1, LcdCls]
pause 250
SEROUT TXpin, i [noparse][[/noparse]"This is a test !!!"]
pause 1000
The BAUDMODE constant is not the same for each of the BS-2 models. The calculated BAUDMODE for 19,200 baud on a BS=22 is 501. Try that and see how it works.
Bruce Bates
Involvement and committment can be best understood by looking at a plate of ham and eggs. The chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. ANON
PAUSE 3000
SEROUT TX,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]22] 'LCD on no cursor no blink
PAUSE 1000
SEROUT TX,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]128] 'move to position 0 line 0
PAUSE 1000
SEROUT TX,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"A"]· 'send character A
if you can get everything set up right the above should place an A on the first line
Jeff T.
1) Put the LCD display into test mode (according to the documentation) and make sure it displays the message it's supposed to display.
2) Set the LCD display to 2400 Baud (with the DIP switches) and set your demo program to 2400 Baud. Use the Baud constant for the Stamp
module you have and normal mode as listed in the Stamp Basic Manual (or the Stamp Editor Help). Make sure your wiring is correct and the
serial LCD is connected to the I/O pin used by your demo program. Make sure +5V and ground are connected properly.
3) Try changing the demo program and the LCD display to 9600 Baud
4) Try changing the demo program and the LCD display to 19200 Baud