Creating txt file using Basic Stamp Editor
Hi guys,
I am trying to use my bs2px chip to create a txt file, and then send it to my bluetooth chip using uart interface. Is it actually possible to create a text file using Basic stamp editor in the first place
? If it is not, I am planning to create a text file separately, and then use bs2px to send it to my bt chip using uart interface. Could someone please enlighten me?
Post Edited (deckbuild) : 9/21/2008 9:41:07 AM GMT
I am trying to use my bs2px chip to create a txt file, and then send it to my bluetooth chip using uart interface. Is it actually possible to create a text file using Basic stamp editor in the first place


Post Edited (deckbuild) : 9/21/2008 9:41:07 AM GMT
Read the chapters in the Stamp Basic Manual on the DATA, READ, STORE, and SEROUT statements. That will explain how this sort of thing works and give some simple examples. The Stamp Editor's help will give you some information, but you need to read the Manual.
Please edit your original message (using the pencil icon in the upper right corner) to add an appropriate subject.
If this example is not what you had in mind then if you can expand on your explanation we can look at alternatives.
Jeff T.