Problem with IR Reciever
I have 2 Parallax IR recievers that work perfectly in a circuit with my [url=mailto:BS2@e]BS2e[/url], I have placed a local supplied IR reciever (1B6852A) in the same circuit (being DownUnder it takes time to get things from parallax in the US plus freight on a $1 item is not worth it).
My problem is that the new reciever gives out false pulses randomly when there is nothing at all in it's path further if you place your finger·near it will start to pulse on/off.
My circuit is as per the Boe-Bot manual Vdd & Vss straight to·pins and a 220 ohm·in line to BS2e pin - I have duplicated the circuit on the BOE to rule out interference from the robot and still get false readings. Any ideas would be appreciated.
My problem is that the new reciever gives out false pulses randomly when there is nothing at all in it's path further if you place your finger·near it will start to pulse on/off.
My circuit is as per the Boe-Bot manual Vdd & Vss straight to·pins and a 220 ohm·in line to BS2e pin - I have duplicated the circuit on the BOE to rule out interference from the robot and still get false readings. Any ideas would be appreciated.
- Stephen
Post Edited (be80be) : 9/18/2008 3:45:35 AM GMT
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