Having trouble with making new cogs and the PID
Posts: 438
I am still having trouble making my own cogs. Cant seem to get my head aroung the whole thing. I have no troubles sending data to a cog and starting it up, but when i need to get data from a cog - well i get lost.
here is my PID cog that i tried to make
'' PID.spin (Under construction)
f : "FloatMath"
long cog
long kp, ki, kd, sp, off, Amax, Amin
long a, tp, Ep
Long in
PUB Start (_Kp, _Ki, _Kd, setPoint, offset, maxArea, minArea) : okay
'' Set vdalues of kp, ki, etc.
okay := cog := cognew(Runit(in), @kp) + 1
longmove(@kp, @_Kp, 7)
PUB stop
'' Stop serial driver - frees a cog
if cog
cogstop(cog~ - 1)
longfill(@kp, 0, 7)
Pub RunIt(in) <
Problem is here i think _
PUB calculate(in) :out | temp, E, P, I, D, da, t, dt, Et
'' Returns PID (out)put based on (in)put and stored values.
' Calculate Δt = [noparse][[/noparse]cnt(now) - cnt(previous)] / clkfreq
t := cnt ' t(now) = cnt
dt := t - tp ' Δcnt = t - tp
dt := f.fDiv(f.FFloat(dt), f.FFloat(clkfreq)) ' Δt = Δcnt
here is my PID cog that i tried to make
'' PID.spin (Under construction)
f : "FloatMath"
long cog
long kp, ki, kd, sp, off, Amax, Amin
long a, tp, Ep
Long in
PUB Start (_Kp, _Ki, _Kd, setPoint, offset, maxArea, minArea) : okay
'' Set vdalues of kp, ki, etc.
okay := cog := cognew(Runit(in), @kp) + 1
longmove(@kp, @_Kp, 7)
PUB stop
'' Stop serial driver - frees a cog
if cog
cogstop(cog~ - 1)
longfill(@kp, 0, 7)
Pub RunIt(in) <
Problem is here i think _
PUB calculate(in) :out | temp, E, P, I, D, da, t, dt, Et
'' Returns PID (out)put based on (in)put and stored values.
' Calculate Δt = [noparse][[/noparse]cnt(now) - cnt(previous)] / clkfreq
t := cnt ' t(now) = cnt
dt := t - tp ' Δcnt = t - tp
dt := f.fDiv(f.FFloat(dt), f.FFloat(clkfreq)) ' Δt = Δcnt