Heads up.. found a minor glitch..bs2 and ds1302 rtc
last night while tring to configure and set time to ds1302 rtc, i stumbled across this... when i ran the code it would not change time and date... found that if i disconnected power from homework board for a few secs then reconnect power while editor said scanning, it worked every time.. attached is my code,. maybe a seasond stamp veteran can find a glitch in my code.... has anyone else had this issue?? what a mess took me hours to figure this out, hope this saves someone some headaches...
NOTE gosub write rtc is commented to prevent accidental write in a powerloss, this was changed after my issues
Post Edited (kb1nrb) : 9/17/2008 10:12:32 AM GMT
NOTE gosub write rtc is commented to prevent accidental write in a powerloss, this was changed after my issues
Post Edited (kb1nrb) : 9/17/2008 10:12:32 AM GMT

Tracy Allen
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
doh... ok so i attached my final code.. simple and straight forward as i could get it with the least variables i could think of.. thanks to all who helped