Interfacing BS2 with ISD4004
I have this schematic I'm working on for a school project, but I am stuck on how to actually interface these two components.· I am using the Basic Stamp 2 and the ISD4004 Voice Chip.· I have looked over all the manuals that Parallax provides on their website but there is very few helpful information on how to design the schematic.
For example, pins 5-20 on the basic stamp are just "general pins" on the data sheet - not very helpful.
I have attached what I have so far, and I would realy appreciate any help on it.· Thanks.
Post Edited (Pizza Guy) : 9/16/2008 12:05:49 AM GMT
For example, pins 5-20 on the basic stamp are just "general pins" on the data sheet - not very helpful.
I have attached what I have so far, and I would realy appreciate any help on it.· Thanks.
Post Edited (Pizza Guy) : 9/16/2008 12:05:49 AM GMT
- Stephen
I realized that pins 5-20, on the BS2,·are input/ouput pins which can be programmed for any usage, so·I could connect pins 1-3 (SS, MOSI, MISO) directly to the I/O pins on the BS2.· Is this correct?