Can anyone direct me to a documentation link or a book on how to build a visual basic interface to communicate to a basic stamp?I'll appreciate it very much
I am writing one now that will allow a Logitech Dual Action Gamepad (about $17.00) to act as a remote control to Ugly Buster, my tracked robot. I was helped IMMENSELY by one of our fellow forum members, MSDTech, who passed along some code for that device.
My VB/Stamp communications will be via Bluetooth, which, surprisingly to me, appears to work very well.
It is rather simple to write code that will allow VB to communicate with a Stamp, but none of it appears to be in one place. I believe that is why Jeff sent the link in his post.
I am nowhere near an expert in either VB (well, maybe VBDOS 1.0!) or Stamp programming. But, I will be glad to share whatever I have with you. NOTE: To date, all I have ever done is expand the gamepad GUI a bit to test a bunch of the controls and make VB turn two LEDs on and off (not blink, mind you!) via Bluetooth. I am quite proud of myself because no one else is.
Jeff T.
I am writing one now that will allow a Logitech Dual Action Gamepad (about $17.00) to act as a remote control to Ugly Buster, my tracked robot. I was helped IMMENSELY by one of our fellow forum members, MSDTech, who passed along some code for that device.
My VB/Stamp communications will be via Bluetooth, which, surprisingly to me, appears to work very well.
It is rather simple to write code that will allow VB to communicate with a Stamp, but none of it appears to be in one place. I believe that is why Jeff sent the link in his post.
I am nowhere near an expert in either VB (well, maybe VBDOS 1.0!) or Stamp programming. But, I will be glad to share whatever I have with you. NOTE: To date, all I have ever done is expand the gamepad GUI a bit to test a bunch of the controls and make VB turn two LEDs on and off (not blink, mind you!) via Bluetooth. I am quite proud of myself because no one else is.
Good luck!
You are what you write.
·· It will give you a standalone gui and some sample programs for the Stamp.
··· (read the Word file after unzipping)
·· More great work by unsoundcode.
· Cheers
Tom Sisk
Post Edited (stamptrol) : 9/15/2008 12:16:48 PM GMT