Controlling an array of LEDs
I am trying to create a project which contains a large array of LEDs, most likely a number in the 100's. I considered using the 40pin Stamp2 microcontroller along with the Parallax Professional Development Board. Many of the LEDs would be connected in series so 32 I/O ports should be enough.
What I'm concerned about though is the voltage supplied. Having 100's of LEDs would require a good amount of voltage, and as far as I can tell, the microcontroller can only handle and supply up to 12V. Is there any way to output more voltage? If anyone has any input to offer, I would appreciate it.
What I'm concerned about though is the voltage supplied. Having 100's of LEDs would require a good amount of voltage, and as far as I can tell, the microcontroller can only handle and supply up to 12V. Is there any way to output more voltage? If anyone has any input to offer, I would appreciate it.
to my knowledge the bs2 cannot supply 12 volts, it can source or sink 5 volts but i don't know of any that can do 12volts
it would help to know more about your project
how many leds in series are you planning
how many groups and all that
i suspect that using a driver chip will be needed the number of which escapes me just know, but it is a package
of several darlington pairs that can handle about a half amp at 12volt output using the stamp pin logic to drive the chip
also you could use a 4099be chip setup right to demulitiplex and drive 7 or 8 outputs using only 3 pins off the stamp
and there is likely better demultiplexer chips than the 4099 for your needs, it is just the one i am most familiar with.
it would have to drive the darlington however because it can't handle enough current to do what you want i would suppose.
again, there will be some very bright and intelligent folks that will lead you to more elagant solutions to your project, but i suspect
they will ask the same questions i have and maybe more.
bob g
Dream it, design it, engineer it, build it, and
do what is necessary to make the damn thing work!
As for the voltage and curreent requirments for 100s of leds, you might consider the TIP12x, (100v, 5A) or the TIP14x, (100V, 10A) darlingtons.
If i'm not mistaken the series are 5v control logic.
Post Edited (be80be) : 9/14/2008 11:14:55 PM GMT
Maybe I am missing something here: Each LED drops ~2v each. Thats 2 1/2 leds for every 5v?
LEDs require an amount of voltage that depends on the materials used to manufacture it and sometimes how they're assembled. This voltage is pretty much fixed although it does vary somewhat with the amount of current through the LED and the temperature of the LED. The graphs for this are generally included with LED datasheets. Red LEDs usually require 1.7V. Blue LEDs usually require something on the order of 3V. Other colors (green, yellow, orange) are somewhere in between.
Most LEDs operate in the range of 10mA to 20mA. They'll product light at lower currents and they may be damaged with higher currents except for devices specifically made for much higher currents.
A Stamp I/O pin generally can handle 20-25mA max. Groups of 8 I/O pins (like 0-7, 8-15) can handle a total of about 50mA. The Stamp chip as a whole can handle roughly 100mA. More than this can damage the chip. The wiring on the chip is not made to handle more.
Handling large numbers of LEDs is usually done with external transistors or external LED drivers which are designed for handling the current involved. There was a project (see the Completed Projects forum) using the Propeller to drive a large multicolored array of LEDs for a video display. You could use some of the same techniques to drive a smaller array at much lower speed with a Stamp.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 9/15/2008 1:03:36 AM GMT
Post Edited (be80be) : 9/15/2008 4:39:09 AM GMT
something doesn't look right to me!
how do you limit the current and drop the voltage to the led's in your sketched circuit?
looks like a good way to burn up led's to me, but maybe i am missing something?
bob g
Dream it, design it, engineer it, build it, and
do what is necessary to make the damn thing work!
They work with up to 26 to 36 volts depending on which one, have current capacities up to 60 amps and can be driven with 5v logic right from an I/O pin.
They can drive inductive as well as resistive loads.
Some examples I've used·would be:
· Darlene
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 9/16/2008 3:15:13 PM GMT
Thanks for the sharing the tip about the high-side drivers from the automotive industry!
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Don't ever let it out as it's·very difficult·to get it back in."