Propeller BoeBot with PING
Hey, guys. I am finished with this one, so I have put some pictures so I can share my fun and experience with you all.
See some pix attached if I can manage to attach them.
See some pix attached if I can manage to attach them.

Attaching source code and schematics will allow others to build (or build from) your design. Please include any available source code and/or schematics.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
You might explain what you would like to do in the future with this, what you've learned, and what suggestions you'd have for others.
of course, leftservo, right servos. And the PING bracket and the Ping Servo and the PING unit. I have two IRdetectors and two IR emitters. I have added the sparkfun 2gig SDcard. I have about five LEDs of different colors to different ports. I have a speaker hooked up to a port and the SoundPal hooked up to another. I did NOT go with the XBEE unit or the IR Reciever Kit because I don't like remote controlled units. I have a red LED hooked up to operate the Heartbeat program. I have the inputs connected to a 1k ohm resistor and the outputs to a 100 ohm resister. Probably should've maybe used 220 or 470 ohm resistors. But, everything is working great. I should have probably used pull up resistors on the Spark Unit, but everyone said it worked fine without them and it did.
I hope to add a speech generator and recognition system. I would like to be able to talk to him and he understand my input.
I hope to add the ability to learn and remember mistakes and generalize what he has learned.
I would like to program him to know when he is "hungry" and feed himself.
I would like to add a system which he would sense colors and be able to distinguish between them.
I would like to add a solar panel to make him recharge his batteries.
I would like to add some facial expressions on his face to demonstrate emotions.
Maybe a clock with the time and let him play a song or recite a scripture from the bible.
I would like to become a Guru at SPIN and ASM with his help.
He could sense a human or animal (warm blooded) and calculate if it was human or not.
He could be a burglar alarm and or fire alarm to let us know if there is a problem while he is on guard.
add a photo diode so he would know if it was daytime or nighttime.
I would like to personify him through programming so he acts somewhat like a human.
He could have barking sounds to emulate a watch dog so a would be burglar would not come in.
I would like to have him have emotions like, happy, sad, anxious, nervous,angry,curious.
I would like to develop Confidence levels so He would remember positive moves.
He could play chess with me. Some of my previous robots have.
I guess the two most hardest things would be to get him to laugh at a joke and to have him do face recognition.
It will be more easier to train him on colors instead of faces.
Right now, I call him bob for Brains On Board. I borrowed that from Noland Bushnell.
I could put sensors on him so he could predict the weather.
BTW, is Terry Newton still with Parallax? I would like to talk to him about his code that he wrote in 1996.
I would like the robot to develop artifical intellegence.
I think that it would be neat to install an accellerometer and have him say " whoooooh! when he falls or gets tipped over.
Those are basically my plans, if you can come up with more, please feel free to join in and give me more examples of what I can do.
This robot may grow into a larger one just to have a place to put all this stuff.
Post Edited (MovieMaker) : 9/16/2008 4:10:54 AM GMT
You mentioned Source Code, but I don't see any posted here.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
You've clearly modified what you've downloaded from the Object Exchange. The whole idea of the Completed Projects forum is to provide enough information so that others can see what you've done and perhaps try to duplicate it. This would be a good time to make an orderly list of the differences between your Propeller BoeBot and the original one used with BoeBotBasic along with the actual changes that you had to make to BoeBotBasic to get it to work with your BoeBot. For example, you have two IR detectors while the original Propeller BoeBot only had one. How did you get that to work? How well does it work? Are there any problems with it? You've got some kind of speaker. What kind? How do you get it to work? Did you have to make any changes to BoeBot.bas? Why? What were they? What else is different?
Pictures are nice and sharing your excitement is nice, but people will appreciate some detail that's carefully and thoughtfully arranged.
I am trying to get members to start including more information with their Completed Projects posts. For awhile there were a rash of posts with not much more than, “Check out my cool new project” with a YouTube link. That is not useful to someone looking at it thinking, “How can I build this?”
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
but lets be less harsh on the guy he really did a great job here. when i first looked at his boe-bot i looked at mine and said WOW! His is very complex, well built and very well planed out, and very awesome! Movie maker you did a great job! keep going at it maybe you should make your own robot with this same circuit. maybe one that has legs or something, one that is kinda bigger to hold that wire mess going on there, actually i like the wire mess it makes it look really complex looking. like a super mini computer.
He used BoeBotBasic (from the Propeller Object Exchange) modified to reflect the different I/O pins he used. He also used a modified version of the sample program included with BoeBotBasic which is a rewrite of "PINGing around with a BoeBot" from PBasic to BoeBotBasic.
Next, I wanted to do all the code in one language. So, I abandoned SPIN and ASM and the various versions of Basic until later and ordered a Boebot kit with the Basic· StampII. I got the model that does 19,000 ips. With this BasicStamp, I can program Everything in Pbasic.· It has all of the instruction set that I need. One problem was with having Left and Right IR. The other robot only let me IRZONE one set. This was not enough for my design.
And, BasicRich, thank you for your compliment.· I am currently working on another boebot and a Frank robot and a sortof KISMET robot. Don't know when I will be finished. But, I have a good headstart.
Post Edited (MovieMaker) : 10/29/2008 2:24:21 AM GMT