Need help finding documentation
i have a Parallax Propeller P8X32 USB Board BASIC Stamp 160MIPS it says propeller activity board on the card. it has a sd card slot, ps2 connector i think you can use a y cable on it for mouse and keyboard, rca vid out, vga out usb programing speaker , what looks like line in speaker out/line out and mike in, on/off, reset and several places to add your own stuff in 2 16 pin female headers. I am looking for some good documentation. have not been able to fine any on google. I was wondering if someone could point me in the correct direction, Please. it has some switches and some other things on board that i not sure of.
i have a Parallax Propeller P8X32 USB Board BASIC Stamp 160MIPS it says propeller activity board on the card. it has a sd card slot, ps2 connector i think you can use a y cable on it for mouse and keyboard, rca vid out, vga out usb programing speaker , what looks like line in speaker out/line out and mike in, on/off, reset and several places to add your own stuff in 2 16 pin female headers. I am looking for some good documentation. have not been able to fine any on google. I was wondering if someone could point me in the correct direction, Please. it has some switches and some other things on board that i not sure of.
If it's not from Parallax; where did it come from ? That might help in hunting down what it actually is and what documentation there may be.
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i bought it from micro4you and the schematic i was send does not seem quite right. like the headers on the schematic only has 14 pins each the board has 16 . so was hoping for a little more detail. I have contacted Soboon Sbon and have asked him for more info on the board. I was just wondering if any here has heard of it..
how do i post a pic
i hope that upload worked dont know ware it put the file
as i said above i bought it from ebay from micro4you. i have email into them both trough ebay and there forum . but i what i cant find is documentation on the inter about it. the schematic they sent me had 2 female headers with 14 pin the board had 2 female headers with 16 pins. not labled well if at all.. just wanting to get better docs so i can start learning to program on it. Hook up my sonar censor . motion detector and try to hook motors to it so i can try to build a robot of my own... i hope soon to by the micro dual serial motor controller from
At first I though it might have been Franz Achatz's board as seen on this old thread that recently resurfaced -
The e-bay stuff says it is from Thailand but the links just seem to link back to Parallax for general Prop info.
I did find some contact info here -
Maybe you could write them and ask them for a schematic and whatever documentation they have.
Good luck badger. Let us know what you find out and think.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 9/14/2008 2:14:52 AM GMT
available through (but not everything).
At the current EURO/USD rate, this is my favorite supplier!
Kind regards,
Jan Verhoeven
For the prices: 1 Thai Baht = 2 eurocent or 3 dollarcent. Shipping across the globe costs something like USD 6
Kind regards,
Jan Verhoeven
Parallax Propeller P8X32 Education Board
Recently, bought one of this Boards in China, and looking for information and Schem, find this post.
Searching deeply, did find this Schem:
It's look how "Propeller Activity Board". All pins are correct and seem how real board.
Propeller Board
Post Edited (nooknikz) : 10/6/2009 12:32:37 PM GMT
Propeller Board