Question About Cog(0)
Posts: 89
so I read in the user manual that when the propeller starts up, the interpreter is loaded into cog zero, and the program is run from main memory, now my question is, if I loaded a program into the propeller and that program loaded a function to run in cog(1) would cog (1) run faster? Is cog (0) slower because the interpreter is loaded onto it? I'm looking to make a setup where timing is curtail, and I want it to be as fast as possible, so I was wondering if I should not rely on loading part of the program into cog(0).
A cog is either running the interpeter, or doing nothing, or running assembly language programs written by the user. Each cog that is running spin programs, will be running the interpeter, which gets loaded at the time the cog is started.
So, no it won"t be slower.
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