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Strange problem with my test code

clcorbinclcorbin Posts: 14
edited 2008-09-15 02:52 in Propeller 1
I have a strange (at least to me!) problem with some test code I am working on. Here is a quick summary of the hardware:

1) proto board
2) 3 digit 7 segment display that is driven via the 7-segment driver (works). Digits on pins 0-2 and segments on pins 24-32
3) Small I/O board with 4 switches and 8 leds/resistors. Four leds are hard wired to the switchs and four are used as indicators.
Switches on pins 8-11 and leds on pins 12-15. It's all wired to a pin header so I can just plug it into an IO "bank" on the proto board (pin headers installed) and go.
Tested and works fine on many projects.


  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000

  lowDigit = 0                  'Low digit cathode
  digits = 3                    'Number of digits to display
  Segment0 = 24                  'Segment start pin

  TempUp        = 8             ' Pin 8 is used for the increase temperature input
  TempDown      = 9             ' Pin 9 is used for the decrease temperature input
  Power         = 10            ' Pin 10 is used for the On/Off button
  Pressed       = %1             ' Set a constant for checking if inputs are pressed.

  LED1 = 12     ' Configure pin 12 as LED1
  LED2 = 13     ' Configure pin 13 as LED2 
  LED3 = 14     ' Configure pin 14 as LED3
  LED4 = 15     ' Configure pin 15 as LED4

  long stack0[noparse][[/noparse]20]
  long stack1[noparse][[/noparse]20]
  long counter
  long temperature

  sevenseg : "SevenSegment"
PUB Start
  ' Configure the push buttons
  dira[noparse][[/noparse]TempUp..Power]~          ' Setup our pushbutton as an input 

  'Configure debug LEDs

  ' Start the seven segment display driver on a new cog                                                                                                                                                                   
  cognew(sevenseg.start(lowDigit, digits, Segment0, true), @temperature)

  'Set the initial temperature to 350
  temperature := 350
  sevenseg.SetValue(temperature)                        ' Set the initial temperature value of 250

  Monitor                       ' Start monitoring the button 

Pri Monitor                     ' Monitor constantly monitors the control buttons
  waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
    waitpne(%0000 << 8, %111 << 8, 0)            ' Wait for any control button to be pressed
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 20 + cnt)               ' debounce the switches
    FindButton                                ' Find out which button was pressed
    waitpeq(%0000 << 8, %111 << 8, 0)            ' Wait for all the control buttons to be released
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 20 + cnt)               ' debounce the switches
Pri FindButton 

  If InA[noparse][[/noparse]TempUp] == Pressed
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %1
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %0
    temperature := temperature + 5
    If temperature > 400
      temperature := 400

  If InA[noparse][[/noparse]TempDown] == Pressed 
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %1
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %0
    temperature := temperature - 5
    If temperature < 200
      temperature := 200

  If InA[noparse][[/noparse]Power] == Pressed 
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %1
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %0            
    if temperature > 300 
      temperature := 1        


The problem is very strange. If you look at the section that starts with "If InA[noparse][[/noparse]Power] == Pressed" and look down, yoiu will see a simple line "temperature := 1".

Now, as this is written, this actually works exactly as expected. The display fires up, sets the default value of 350 to it and when I hit the "up" button, the displayed
value increases on each press of the button by 5 until 400 is reached. If I press the "down" button, the displayed value will decrease on each press until 200 is reached.
When I press the "power" button, the displayed value is set to 1.

But what gets strange is if I add another line below the "temperature := 1" line. Say for example lets change the "function" to this:

If InA[noparse][[/noparse]Power] == Pressed 
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %1
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]LED1] := %0            
    if temperature > 300 
      temperature := 1   
      temperature := 2

Now, from my understanding of how this change SHOULD work is this: I press the "power" button. This "If" statement is called. If the variable "temperature is greater
than 300, then it would set temperature to 1, then set temperature to 2, then update the displayed value to temperature.

But it doesn't. Instead, it pretty much locks up the prop. The display just shows junk and pressing any other button does not do anything (not even turn on and off the
output LED1 that is there just to show the prop called the correct function). And it doesn't matter which button I press, as soon as it goes into the "FindButton" function,
it freaks out.

I originally came across this issue when instead of

if temperature > 300 
  temperature := 1

I had

if temperature > 0
  temperature := 0
  temperature := 350

which was just supposed to toggle the value from an "on" value to an "off" value. It did the same lockup thing too. I simplified things to make sure I wasn't doing
something completely stupid with the if-else condition.

So, does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? I THINK the problem has something to do with how the memory is being saved in the prop and extra
lines of code are pushing it into a different page or something. But I don't know how to prove it or how to resolve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-11 19:13
    Dont know if it affects your problem but
    cognew(sevenseg.start(lowDigit, digits, Segment0, true), @temperature)
    is wrong. You get do a cognew of a routine not in the local object. Move the sevenseg.start call into a local routne and do a cognew of that.
  • clcorbinclcorbin Posts: 14
    edited 2008-09-11 23:46
    You sure? That bit of code was taken pretty much straight out of the 7-segment driver demo code.

    Why would I need to move the start method from the sevenseg object into the local code before I did a cognew on it? Doesn't that take away from the whole
    point of being able to call stand alone spin objects?

  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2008-09-12 00:12
    Cog management for an object must·be performed within the object (except cogstop). The literal meaning of cognew(sevenseg.start(lowDigit, digits, Segment0, true), @temperature) is to load a cog up with an assembly program pointed to by the return value from sevenseg.start(lowDigit, digits, Segment0, true)

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 9/12/2008 12:18:33 AM GMT
  • clcorbinclcorbin Posts: 14
    edited 2008-09-12 03:43
    But the real question remains: Does anyone understand WHY the program breaks when I add additional commands in the FindButtons functions? That is the part that is broken.

  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-12 04:13
    I would change the cognew, if its doing what Paul says then the code could be doing anything so there is probably a corruption happening and what you are seeing is a side effect.

    I would add a routine
    PRI segstart(p1,p2, p3, p4)
    sevenseg.start(p1, p2, p3, p4)

    then change cognew to
    cognew(segstart(lowDigit, digits, Segment0, true), @temperature)

    Then see what is happening

    Also look at the same cognew, the 2nd parameter @temperature. This should be the stack for spin, temperature isn't a stack so I am not sure what you
    meant here but I dont think is correct. This will also cause a memory corruption so needs to be fixed before looking further
  • clcorbinclcorbin Posts: 14
    edited 2008-09-15 02:52

    You are correct . My first "try" at addressing this was to change "@temperature" on the cognew line to "@stack0" (defined as a stack of 10 longs).
    For some reason, the seven segment code would not start like that. So, I swapped the cognew around and let the seven segment stuff run from cog 0 and
    changed the call to "Monitor" to "cognew(Monitor, @stack0).

    That worked correctly. So, I went back to the findbutton function and edited back to the original if..else.. statement and it kept working correctly.

    I see I am going to have to pay more attention to and learn more about how the memory is used by the assorted cogs.

    Thanks for the help everyone.

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