74HC595 Differences?
Hi Everybody,
I need to order some 74HC595 shift registers·in a DIP/Through-Hole package.· What I'm finding in this configuration is that the prices vary from 18 cents to $2.00+ apiece.· In reading data sheets, I don't see much difference between them to explain the cost range... can you guys who have used them help explain this?· I must be missing something.··The plan is to·order 20-30 of them and don't want to make a mistake.
I need to order some 74HC595 shift registers·in a DIP/Through-Hole package.· What I'm finding in this configuration is that the prices vary from 18 cents to $2.00+ apiece.· In reading data sheets, I don't see much difference between them to explain the cost range... can you guys who have used them help explain this?· I must be missing something.··The plan is to·order 20-30 of them and don't want to make a mistake.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
It's makes better business sense to sell obsolete components in some obscure market than to mess up your main market so many of the manufacturers are dumping components locally rather than sell them in the US or Europe. They're probably also dumping them in the Far East (and possibly dumping them in the sea as refuse as well).