What are your cogs doing ?
Posts: 18,069
Taking a break, so thought I would let you know what my cogs are doing...
Cog 0 : Launches the RamInterpreter, then launches other cogs, then compares their output and speed
Cog 1 : Runs FullDuplexSerial
Cog 2 : Runs ClusoDebugger (currently pasm but being modified to include spin)
Cog 3 : -free-
Cog 4 : -free-
Cog 5 : Runs the RomInterpreter and a Spin Test routine
Cog 6 : Runs the RamInterpreter and a Spin Test routine (known working version)
Cog 7 : Runs the ClusoInterpreter and a Spin Test routine (this is being debugged)
I am glad I don't want to run VGA
Cog 0 : Launches the RamInterpreter, then launches other cogs, then compares their output and speed
Cog 1 : Runs FullDuplexSerial
Cog 2 : Runs ClusoDebugger (currently pasm but being modified to include spin)
Cog 3 : -free-
Cog 4 : -free-
Cog 5 : Runs the RomInterpreter and a Spin Test routine
Cog 6 : Runs the RamInterpreter and a Spin Test routine (known working version)
Cog 7 : Runs the ClusoInterpreter and a Spin Test routine (this is being debugged)
I am glad I don't want to run VGA
Cog 0 : Runs a supervisory task
Cog 1 : Runs a variant of FullDuplexSerial
Cog 2 : Runs an SPI driver for the ENC28J60 ethenet chip
Cog 3 : Runs an SPI driver for an SD Card
Cog 4 : Scans 24 analog channels at a rate of 1000Hz per channel
Cog 5 : Scans 8 digital channels for signals at up to 15kHz per channel
Cog 6 : Process the changes detected by cog 5.
Cog 7 : Free, totally free.
And I've still got 817 longs of memory left!
This is before the application of JDForth - I'll post a comparison once the code has been converted (About 50% done).
Carl Jacobs
JDForth - Forth to Spin Compiler http://www.jacobsdesign.com.au/software/jdforth/jdforth.php
Includes: FAT16 support for SD cards. Bit-bash Serial at 2M baud. 32-bit floating point maths.·Fib(28) in 0.86 seconds. ~3x faster than spin, ~40% larger than spin.
c0: spin, not used after launch
c1: 320x240 mono LCD refresh (~60 Hz)
c2: 4 Bit bidi comm to other prop
c3: bitmap refresh
c4: oscillator and keyboard scan
c5: game of life
c6: not used
c7: not used
c0: spin, not used after lauch
c1: ADC, 500 kSps
c2: FFT 1024 points
c3: comm to other prop
c4-c7: not used
But most of my projects are just small pieces of assembler code, so I use the simulator.
And reprogram it very often in my experiments.
Nothing is impossible, there are only different degrees of difficulty.
C1: Menu system, data entry, program flow, TV_Text
C2: TV
C3: Keyboard
C4: Motion control
C5 -C8 Empty so far, plans for a strobe sync
1 - Empty
2 - Empty
3 - Empty
4 - Empty
5 - Empty
6 - Empty
7 - Empty
(now what order did they startup in?)
Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
My cruising website http://www.bluemagic.biz
Sometimes I'd really like to know !
Current effort is:
8080 CPU part 1
8080 CPU part 2
8080 CPU part 3
8080 CPU part 4
SD Card
Yep I'm trying to speed up the 8080 emulation by using 4 COGs. Very early stages yet.
For me, the past is not over yet.
1. FullDuplex
2. Loops a 16 bit A/D taking 1000+ samples / sec
3. Math crunching A/D and floating point numbers
4. PWM a Motor
Guessing: about 4000 Lines of code in cog"0" alone and 1/2 memory used total all cogs.