info on useing data logger with the homework board
hi all Im seeking asnwers and info concerning useing the data logger with my usb flashdrive and a bs2 homework board will it or can it work?
can anyone point me to documentation
I posted about my bugbot a while back before starting on some different work with speech engine now I find my self trying to implement it into bugbot so I know I will need the extra memory· from what i find reguarding the logger in the parralax store it dose not mention it being compatible but then i had the same thing happen when i purchased pir sensor too so Im in need of a real guru ...if mike green is still on here im sure he'd know this.
I·dont mind buying the logger even though because·I·want to start useing other boards too soon but I realy would prefer getting this proj to work with it useing current board as is and moveing on to the next project before buying another board.
much appreciation for any help offered!
can anyone point me to documentation
I posted about my bugbot a while back before starting on some different work with speech engine now I find my self trying to implement it into bugbot so I know I will need the extra memory· from what i find reguarding the logger in the parralax store it dose not mention it being compatible but then i had the same thing happen when i purchased pir sensor too so Im in need of a real guru ...if mike green is still on here im sure he'd know this.
I·dont mind buying the logger even though because·I·want to start useing other boards too soon but I realy would prefer getting this proj to work with it useing current board as is and moveing on to the next project before buying another board.
much appreciation for any help offered!
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering