Vinculum VDIP1 - SPI Mode - Need Help Please
Posts: 1,110
I am using Tekochip's SPI Vinculum object from the OBEX
I'm sure this is a woods and trees moment but I just cannot get it to work.
I have tried the VDIP in serial UART mode and can confirm that it works, I can browse the directory of my flash drive from Hyperterminal, I have upgraded the firmware to the latest revision from FTDI website.
I am using Parallax Demoboard P0-P3 as per the object, all that happens is the TV displays Starting and then nothing....
On the VDIP, J3 is 2-3 and J4 is 1-2 to select SPI mode, I have used 10K pullups for P0-P3 (actually I have tried without them too)
Any pointers would be helpful.
PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
I'm sure this is a woods and trees moment but I just cannot get it to work.
I have tried the VDIP in serial UART mode and can confirm that it works, I can browse the directory of my flash drive from Hyperterminal, I have upgraded the firmware to the latest revision from FTDI website.
I am using Parallax Demoboard P0-P3 as per the object, all that happens is the TV displays Starting and then nothing....
On the VDIP, J3 is 2-3 and J4 is 1-2 to select SPI mode, I have used 10K pullups for P0-P3 (actually I have tried without them too)
Any pointers would be helpful.
PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
It lets you type commands to the Vinculum and see the output.
It works with a PS/2 keyboard and TV display, but can easily be modified to
use a VGA display or use FullDuplexSerial to use the programming port.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 9/7/2008 2:56:15 PM GMT
Somehow I just knew you would be the first to respond, thank you!
Yes, I have tried your test program, I found another post where you also described your connection details.
The test program starts ok but then just gets stuck transmitting the data, it looks like I'm not getting a response from the VDIP1 but it works just fine in UART mode with the necessary changes to J3 and J4
I'll try downgrading to an earlier firmware version and see how it pans out.
PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
Also, in SPI you must make sure you flush out all the data waiting before you send a command.· So you have to flush all of the splash screen before you can send a command.
Attached is tekochips code modified to run with Parallax Serial Tool.· I think I also found a bug in the code posted to the obex.· Not sure if it would cause the trouble you were seeing.· I think the EchoUntilPrompt routine had a := where it should have had an ==.· I don't remember exactly.· Here's a picture of the output from this code.· You'll see some commented junk at the top.· I'm trying to get this to write file to disk (which I haven't got working yet I'm now onto other things for a few weeks.· Maybe with a jumpstart, you'll have it finished and posted before I have time to return to this .
I put this code into the EEPROM then turn off the board.· When I turn it back on, PST is up and running and out comes what's in the picture.· This wouldn't be necessary if you use the Prop to drive the VDIP reset line.·
I hope this helps a bit.· I've also attached a photo of my setup.· Messy, but maybe you'll find something useful there like the J3 & J4 settings- for·SPI I have J3 2-3; J4 1-2.· ·
Best of luck.· Keep us posted.
I've tried two different Props and differing pin groups with the same result every time.
I am assuming now that it is broken and have sent off for a replacement.
The device works just great in uart mode, nothing at all in SPI mode
PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
Not managed to get this working yet despite SPI being a relatively simple protocol
I have in my posession a bright shiny and new VDIP module and it behaves exactly the same.
I'm all googled out looking for answers on this and from what I have been able to find is that SPI mode in particular is troublesome to say the least.
So I'm asking you guys out there please can you explain exactly what you did in getting your VDIPs to work.
I've had no problems at all getting them to work in UART mode so I know they are functioning but when I switch them to SPI mode all I get it SDO permanently high.
I'm 100% certain my Props are OK, I have tested every pin for high and low operation.
I have checked all my pin assignments are correct and I've used three test apps that I found after searching various threads on the forum without any success.
Mike Green's Vinculum test app which uses 1 pin for SDI and SDO
Tekochip's SPI Vinculum object from the OBEX
pgbpsu's object posted earlier in this thread
I'm hoping it's something rediculously simple that I just can't see......
Any Ideas?
PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
The Parallax Datalogger contains a Vinculum chip.
regards peter
I just powered up my old project that had the VDIP and double-checked to make sure everything works.· It's all good, so I'm sure it's a connection issue; check the following:
Jumper J3 should be pins 2 and 3, Jumper J4 should be pins 1 and 2.
Line 64 of the Vinculum_1_1 file selects which pins to use.· You can change them to whatever you like, but for the demo I used port pins 0,1,2,3 for Clk, CS, Out, and In.· The data direction is from the Propeller's point of view, since it's the Master.
VDIP········· PCB
5V············ 5V
AD0· ········ CLK
GND·········· GND
AD1···········OUT (from Propeller)
AD2·········· IN (to Propeller)
AD3·········· CS
RS#·········· RESET (Probably not needed, but I used it in my application)
Wow! At last I have something.......
Your code works with the VDIP1 I have but not the VDIP2, strange thing is that they have the same firmware.
Your app outputs.....
[noparse][[/noparse]COG0][noparse]:D[/noparse]atalogger Test Program for Spin Stamp
disk freespace 887521280 bytes
disk freespace 866720 kilobytes
disk freespace 846 megabytes
USB PID = $6700
Vendor Id = USB 2.0
Product Id = SD/MMC Reader
Revision Level =
Although it only does this after I reset the prop after the app has already run, it seems as though the VDIP takes quite some time to settle.
It would also seem that not all USB thumb drives are equal or compatible either for that matter lol
That was the root of my problem I think, now to test the apps that I tried originally.
You've given me back some faith and hope anyway Peter so thank you!
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