Pulse out to speaker -- How???
Posts: 502
If I want to send a frequency or audio tone out to a speaker on a certain pin, how would I word this in Boebasic?
I know how to use outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin]=1 or 0 to turn the state on and off. But, if I need to say a frequency or a duration, how is this worded?
And, I am wondering how to use the BS2 object.· How do I load it? How do I use it?
Thanks Guys!!
I know how to use outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin]=1 or 0 to turn the state on and off. But, if I need to say a frequency or a duration, how is this worded?
And, I am wondering how to use the BS2 object.· How do I load it? How do I use it?
Thanks Guys!!
Freq.Synth("A",24, 0)
and create the freqency of your choice by
Freq.Synth("A",24, freqency)
Does this work with boebot basic? that what I am using.
I'm not sure what tone you would get. BoeBotBasic is quite slow since it's an interpreter written in an interpreted language (Spin) and each level of interpretation slows things down by a large factor. It is possible to add a statement to BoeBotBasic for making tones that would call the frequency synthesis object, but I haven't done that. Several people have modified BoeBotBasic themselves to add functionality for their own projects, but frequency synthesis hasn't been one of the functions added.
I just wanted to test my speaker system. So, I used the freq.synth object. but, sooner or later, I want to combine all of the individual items together. In order to do that, I need one system that will do them all. I guess Spin is the answer. But, everything is working now indiviually except my IR. And the IRemitters work fine. I am waiting to get some IRdet to replace the ones that burned up. After I get this working, I am going to go for the whole enchilda! This has been a learning experience and you have clarified much of this. I have a DENSE head. I don't mean to be, but this is the way I am. I have ADD and have a hard time concentrating. But, thanks for being kind and understanding with me.