High bandwith Non LOS communication
If FSk 1200 baud communication is alternating bits between 2 frequencies, can the propeller split it up into say 25 frequencies?· I guess what I am asking is can we put 25 different frequencies on 25 ports and switch them on and off really fast?
·- Ouch, thats not suppose to be hot!··
Michael King
Application Engineer
Digital Technology Group
·- Ouch, thats not suppose to be hot!··
Michael King
Application Engineer
Digital Technology Group
Also, why 25?
·"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.· My wish has come true.· I no longer know how to use my telephone."
- Bjarne Stroustrup
·- Ouch, thats not suppose to be hot!··
Michael King
Application Engineer
Digital Technology Group
9600 modems use a different scheme called 16-QAM which the baud rate is 2400 baud but they send 4 bits per baud. They use ampltude and phase to get the 4 bits per baud. i.e. the frequency only changes at 2400baud, but you look at the phase of the frequency and its amplitude and you get 4 bits for every frequency bit that is sent.
Sending multiple 1200 baud streams has a different problem. You need to be able to separate the streams at the receive side. If you use the same frequencies then you need different radio frequencies to keep them separate. If you use different frequencies they need to be far enough apart to separate - means good expensive filters.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
·- Ouch, thats not suppose to be hot!··
Michael King
Application Engineer
Digital Technology Group