problems with the BUTTON command
following is my code. when a whisker comes in contact with something it runs the segment 10-20 times. any idea what's causing this?
Post Edited (Deathwing61) : 9/3/2008 3:41:49 AM GMT
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' My first Robot ' I shall call him... Jean-Luc ' Go forward untill you feel something TOP: 'lable HIGH 0 'left wheel forward LOW 1 HIGH 2 'right wheel forward LOW 3 LeftButton VAR Byte LeftButton = 0 RightButton VAR Byte RightButton = 0 BUTTON 4, 1, 255, 0, LeftButton, 1, LeftWhisker BUTTON 5, 1, 255, 0, RightButton, 1, RightWhisker GOTO TOP LeftWhisker: 'If left whisker contacts do this LOW 0 'left wheel reverse HIGH 1 LOW 2 'right wheel reverse HIGH 3 PAUSE 500 'reverse .5 seconds LOW 0 'left wheel stop LOW 1 LOW 2 'right wheel reverse HIGH 3 PAUSE 500 'back/turn right .5 seconds GOTO TOP 'go back to program RightWhisker: 'If Right whisker contacts do this LOW 0 'left wheel reverse HIGH 1 LOW 2 'right wheel reverse HIGH 3 PAUSE 500 'reverse .5 seconds LOW 0 'left wheel reverse HIGH 1 LOW 2 'right wheel stop LOW 3 PAUSE 500 'back/turn left .5 seconds GOTO TOP 'go back to program
Post Edited (Deathwing61) : 9/3/2008 3:41:49 AM GMT
First let me say Welcome to the Parallax Forum
One Thing you need·do at very top of· your code is to define your PIN·VAR and CON at the top·
One thing to be care full of is where you put some commands it dose make a deferents·where you put them in your routines
··LeftButton·=·0····· By putting this here you are forcing the LeftButton·not to rountine to be·running ·all the time
··RightButton·=·0··· By putting this here you are forcing the RightButton·not to· rountine to be·running·all··the time
This makes it a lot·easier to read and follow· something like this
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' My first Robot
' I shall call him... Jean-Luc
' Go forward untill you feel something
LeftWheel·········· PIN··········· 0
LeftWheelA········· PIN··········· 1
RightWheel········· PIN··········· 2
RightWheelA········ PIN··········· 3
LeftButton·········· VAR·········· Byte
RightButton········· VAR·········· Byte
Timer··············· CON·········· 500
·' By putting it here you only force it not to run·the·routine once
LeftButton = 0
RightButton = 0
TOP:······························· 'lable
·BUTTON 4, 1, 255, 0, LeftButton, 1, LeftWhisker
·BUTTON 5, 1, 255, 0, RightButton, 1, RightWhisker
· HIGH leftwheel·················· 'left wheel forward
· LOW leftwheelA
· HIGH rightwheel················· 'right wheel forward
· LOW rightwheelA
LeftWhisker:····················· 'If left whisker contacts do this
· LOW LeftWheel··················· 'left wheel reverse
· HIGH LeftWheelA
· LOW· RightWheel················· 'right wheel reverse
· HIGH RightWheelA
· PAUSE· Timer····················· 'reverse .5 seconds
· LOW LeftWheel··················· 'left wheel stop
· LOW LeftWheelA
· LOW RightWheel··················· 'right wheel reverse
· HIGH RightWheelA
· PAUSE· Timer······················ 'back/turn right .5 seconds
· GOTO TOP·························· 'go back to program
RightWhisker:························ 'If Right whisker contacts do this
· LOW LeftWheel······················ 'left wheel reverse
· HIGH LeftWheelA
· LOW· RightWheel···················· 'right wheel reverse
· HIGH RightWheelA
· PAUSE Timer························· 'reverse .5 seconds
· LOW LeftWheel······················· 'left wheel reverse
· HIGH LeftWheelA
· LOW RightWheel······················ 'right wheel stop
· LOW RightWheelA
· PAUSE Timer························· 'back/turn left .5 seconds
· GOTO TOP···························· 'go back to program
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 9/6/2008 3:49:59 AM GMT
Helicopter Pilot: "I'm lost where am I?"
Microsoft:"You're in a helicopter"
i'm using a quad half h-bridge ic