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What is wrong with viniculum hexa short mode? — Parallax Forums

What is wrong with viniculum hexa short mode?

innomaninnoman Posts: 5
edited 2008-09-01 16:48 in Propeller 1
Hi all,
I develop an application nowadays using the datalogger of Parallax.
I meet problems during the writing of a file in hexa short mode.
The problems seems to come from order writing.
I followed directives of the datasheet but order does not have effect.
I then tried the mode long ascii which it, works.
Firmware version was 3.61 that I changed in 3.65 but problem persists.
Is what somebody a met this problem? Is there error datasheet?mad.gif

WRF = 8

I tried all this strings as command. But all gone wrong.

StrCmd1 byte WRF, $20, $05, $0D, "hello", $0D 
StrCmd2 byte WRF, $20, $05, $0D, "hello" 
StrCmd3 byte WRF, $20, $00, $00, $00, $05, $0D, "hello", $0D 
StrCmd4 byte WRF, $20, $00, $00, $00, $05, $0D, "hello"

And this one work fine.

StrCmd1 byte "WRF 5", 13, "hello"

There no issues with others command strings like :

InitStr byte "SCS",13 
DirFileStr byte DIR, $0D 
OpenWFileStr byte OPW, $20, "myfile.ini", $0D 
CloseFileStr byte CLF, $20, "myfile.ini", $0D
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