breadboarding a bs2.. want to eliminate reset surervisor..
ok i thik i have it all together except for what to do with pin 28 of the interpreter?? can i use a 2n3904 with base connected to pin 4 of db9 through a 10k resistor and a 10k resistor frombase to emiter with emiter connected to grnd, and collector connected to pin28 of interpreter and vdd through 4.7k..
i have found several scematics out there and some show this way but also include the reset supervisor connected to pin 28?? can i just leave it out??
i have found several scematics out there and some show this way but also include the reset supervisor connected to pin 28?? can i just leave it out??
The MN1380 series are elements that monitor the power
supply voltage supplied to microcomputers and other LSI
systems and issue reset signals for initializing the system
after the power is first applied or for preventing runaway
operation when the supply voltage fluctuates.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
I·could have damaged the IC's cause their socket ed and therefore not exposed to heat or static from soldering..
I have put many of these kits together and I NEVER had one that did not work
or could not get it to work
I am NOT trying to mean here or Be Little you in ANY WAY
So Please do not take this the wrong way
All I want to do·here is to help you to get this board to work
Did you read the data sheets that are for putting the kit together
If you can buy a Temperature Controlled Soldering Station very help full
I use the data sheets every time·I put one together
Did you use the sockets that came with the kit
Use the sockets that come with the kit this very help full in keeping IC
chip from getting heat damaged
If you did not you should have it make it easier to trouble shooting the board
·The Dot on the Resister Network goes the square on the board·I did this once also and it did not work
Then ·Q3, Q1, U3, Q2· make sure that they are facing the right way and the right part in the right place
I have put these in the wrong place before to and caught it before I solder·them
Then ·IC1 , IC2 The cut out on the chip faces the same way the·cut out shape drawn on the board
The flat side of the·regulator faces the D9 programing port
·Then the ·cap facing the right way the one by the regulator
·These are Most Importance Thing to Get Right
One more thing some of the traces on the board are very thin and if you bend
your components lead down you can damage the trace this not a good thing to do leave them pointing up
I really hope that you can get it to work
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 9/3/2008 5:39:14 PM GMT
DEBUG " Hello, I'm Your Basic Stamp"
run it and get H followed by a pause then another H.. this repeats until i disconnect power.. any ideas??
In your situation, it could mean that there's something wrong with the reset circuitry.
the good news is the UPS man dropped of a spankin new BS2px module!!!
P.S. I will take a pic of bread board, if anyone wants to see it i will post it for you..