Question About PINK
Hi folks,
I used the Parallax products 10 years ago in many designs and am just now getting back into using the products and have a question about the PINK.
I've had the PINK for about a week now - very easy to use and great fun!
On the nb_config.htm screen you can set "Web access Password Settings" with a Web file user name, Web file password and Web file password filter. I've found that if you specify a user name and password and leave the password filter blank, meaning you want all WEB files served to require a password, that you can not communicate using the serial interface [noparse][[/noparse]Stamp to PINK] - this includes sending email, reading / writing variables and running·the telnet debug session.
If I specify a password filter, then all works fine.
Is this normal - That the Web access password configuration settings affect the serial interface?
I used the Parallax products 10 years ago in many designs and am just now getting back into using the products and have a question about the PINK.
I've had the PINK for about a week now - very easy to use and great fun!
On the nb_config.htm screen you can set "Web access Password Settings" with a Web file user name, Web file password and Web file password filter. I've found that if you specify a user name and password and leave the password filter blank, meaning you want all WEB files served to require a password, that you can not communicate using the serial interface [noparse][[/noparse]Stamp to PINK] - this includes sending email, reading / writing variables and running·the telnet debug session.
If I specify a password filter, then all works fine.
Is this normal - That the Web access password configuration settings affect the serial interface?
This is not normal operation and something I will test for Tuesday. Have you tried powering the module off and back on between changing these settings to make sure there isn’t something else going on?
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
I removed the password filter again, then powered down and up and that did resolve the issue. All working fine now.
I've been thinking about buying PINK, but hesitated because I am not sure HOW I should connect it.
That is, can someone give me a simple, "30,000 feet overview" of·how to connect it?··Something like:
····Internet··<-->· PC·<--> PINK·<--> BS2
······································· |
······································· |
······································ Internet via (XYZ connector)
- Stephen
For the Ethernet connection, would that be·the Ethernet connection at·back of my AT&T DSL wireless modem?
You can then use one·of the free services·offered on the NET·to keep track of·your WAN·IP so that you can access·PINK with a node name, not your DSL IP, as·the IP·can change daily. is one.
The components I'm using on the board are the Emic, SSI202 for touch tone decoding, [noparse][[/noparse]using the Stamp for touch tone encoding], XECOM XE0052SIP for connection to telephone·line·[noparse][[/noparse]moving to·cell module later], PIR, VF display and Sensirion SHT11.
I'll use X-10 as well. I'm currently using the BS2, but switching to BS2p-40 for the additional I/O and features.
For the WEB page development·I'm using MS FrontPage, then dragging and dropping them on an open PINK ftp session window.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering