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Strip Charts: Plot 2,048 byte data points (or more) on VGA monitor without usi — Parallax Forums

Strip Charts: Plot 2,048 byte data points (or more) on VGA monitor without usi

RaymanRayman Posts: 14,243
edited 2008-08-29 18:49 in Propeller 1
I wasn't really happy with my data plotting options, so I made up this strip chart.

I really wanted to do it horizontally, but the Prop just isn't fast enough for that [noparse]:([/noparse]

Anyway, all the data is stored in·COG RAM.· You add data to the plots one byte at a time.

This way, you can plot tons of data and still have plenty of memory...

Post Edited (Rayman) : 8/29/2008 7:29:18 PM GMT
943 x 765 - 108K


  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2008-08-29 18:49
    Hey Rayman,
    this looks pretty cool. Thanks for posting this!


    It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.
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