Can the PINK do any of this?
I'm just wondering.... what if I had a remote station with internet access and I wanted the station to send me an email once a day to tell me about the progress of an experiment that was taking place there. Let's say the email would contain data on the order of, oooh, a couple of kilobytes. Is the PINK able to do that? And could I use the internet to send commands for operating relay switches, etc. at that remote station? Can anyone point to some examples where people have already accomplished this and done so with beaming satisfaction?
You could also use the internet to change variables in the PINK and the Stamp or Propeller could periodically read these variables and operate stuff based on the values of these PINK variables. That's how the PINK is intended to be used.
Use the Google search engine ( to search "Completed Projects" and the Stamp forum for people's experience.
thanks for the amazingly fast reply!
(I sometimes get the feeling you're answering my questions even before I ask them.)
all smiles,
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.
Message length for e-mail is 64 bytes. While it may not seem like much it’s not really intended to send out a large packet. Another option, besides viewing the web page data in real-time is to have the PINK Module send UDP Packets to a target…possibly another PINK Module. This could be used to give you a virtual real-time display. For example, in an Alarm System I am working on, I am planning on having the system sending UDP messages to a desktop box which allows me to see the status of the panel at home from work.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
after thinking about it, even 64 bytes might be worth it. Just setting up some bit strings that indicate whether different systems are working within a range would go a long way (better than driving to remote locations every two days).
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.
I am using several PINKs in my projects.·They are reliable.
·- Ouch, thats not suppose to be hot!··
Michael King
Application Engineer
Digital Technology Group
That's cool. That's the kind of thing I wanted to know.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.