Molex cables
Here's an example (pic attached)·of the cable one of the surplus houses is selling.·
They look like·Molex C-Grid, 0.1 inch, 5-position connectors with 19-inch leads.
Very high quality.
4/$1 (yes, four for a dollar)
Any interest?
[noparse][[/noparse]The contacts can be backed carefully·out of the shell and replaced with the wires any·order you like.]
They look like·Molex C-Grid, 0.1 inch, 5-position connectors with 19-inch leads.
Very high quality.
4/$1 (yes, four for a dollar)
Any interest?
[noparse][[/noparse]The contacts can be backed carefully·out of the shell and replaced with the wires any·order you like.]
Yes please!
I've PM'd those interested with the supplier link.
That and I've allready spent $12 on a LCD with serial interface because of things Im going to buy on there.
So these ".25 cables" have actually ended up costing me over $110... Course im getting a crapload of cool stuff as well, but man...
Edit - Just visited the site - I was lucky to make it out alive! Thank·goodness my wife called me to dinner...
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 9/1/2008 10:27:35 PM GMT
Lets see if I can even remember, some relays, resistor assortment, couple of IR LEDs. Seriosuly, thats like all I can remember!
Order Notes:
Sorry it took so long. The long weekend and heavy business did us in. We usually ship within 2 days. Have a nice weekend. Billy
FYI incase anyone else ordered from them.
Post Edited (GICU812) : 9/6/2008 7:34:14 AM GMT