where do i get resistor arrays?
at least i think that is what they are called
what i want to do is pull up or pull down a bank of 8 pins, i know i should use 10k resistors for this
but would like to do so with one component instead of 8 seperate resistors
and i am unclear what i need for sure, the sources i find look right, but i am not sure and don't want to
get the wrong thing
anyone with a source and p/n?
bob g
Dream it, design it, engineer it, build it, and
do what is necessary to make the damn thing work!
what i want to do is pull up or pull down a bank of 8 pins, i know i should use 10k resistors for this
but would like to do so with one component instead of 8 seperate resistors
and i am unclear what i need for sure, the sources i find look right, but i am not sure and don't want to
get the wrong thing
anyone with a source and p/n?
bob g
Dream it, design it, engineer it, build it, and
do what is necessary to make the damn thing work!
Mouser, too many to mention and Digikey etc. They are generally not available at small local outlets.
Look for resistor network or resistor array.
good luck
for the life of me i cannot find 9 lead in 10k!
seems like it ought to be common, and somebody has them.
maybe i am just not seeing how their search feature works or i am missing something
thanks for the help
if anyone has a source for these please let me know
bob g
Dream it, design it, engineer it, build it, and
do what is necessary to make the damn thing work!
Tracy Allen