Basic Stamp Current Controller..For My Milling Machine ..That I keep Blowing Fu
The reason
for this Project is because it has a 2 Amp fuse for the Speed Controller for the·Milling Machine Controller·that·I keep blowing
The reason why the fuse keep blowing is if you try to cut to fast then you will blow the fuse·I want some thing that dose two thing
So I though this some thing that a Basic Stamp could do
One I want to see a display when i am going to fast
Two When·I have gone way to fast the Basic Stamp Take over and shut down the Milling Machine
By The Basic Stamp taking Over the control before the fuse blows
BTW the Opening for the Outlet and the LCD Display where cut out using the Milling Machine on the last few projects that I·have done
·This Project
Has been a lot of fun
The hardest part has been to get the LCD Display to work right
Two thing keep happening one was that the LCD Display would either freeze or not work at all
One of the reason was that·I use the wrong value resister with the 2N2222A that I am using
Second thing was I was using the wrong Baud Rate for the LCD Display and how I want it to Display I end up using 2400 which work a lot better
I took a·Transformer···from a Low Voltage 12 volt AC Light
Removed the winding for the 12 volt part
I put· 3 pairs of wire Two Turn Each Back on the Transformer
This will work for 5 amp @ 120 volt AC as you can see in the photo below
Then I used a ADC 0831 and a 4N33 Optic Sensor to work with the Basic Stamp
I also have a 2 line Parallax 2 LCD Display that I am using
More photo to Come later
··Thanks for any·
·that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 8/29/2008 6:45:35 PM GMT
The reason
for this Project is because it has a 2 Amp fuse for the Speed Controller for the·Milling Machine Controller·that·I keep blowing
The reason why the fuse keep blowing is if you try to cut to fast then you will blow the fuse·I want some thing that dose two thing
So I though this some thing that a Basic Stamp could do
One I want to see a display when i am going to fast
Two When·I have gone way to fast the Basic Stamp Take over and shut down the Milling Machine
By The Basic Stamp taking Over the control before the fuse blows
BTW the Opening for the Outlet and the LCD Display where cut out using the Milling Machine on the last few projects that I·have done
·This Project
Has been a lot of fun
The hardest part has been to get the LCD Display to work right
Two thing keep happening one was that the LCD Display would either freeze or not work at all
One of the reason was that·I use the wrong value resister with the 2N2222A that I am using
Second thing was I was using the wrong Baud Rate for the LCD Display and how I want it to Display I end up using 2400 which work a lot better
I took a·Transformer···from a Low Voltage 12 volt AC Light
Removed the winding for the 12 volt part
I put· 3 pairs of wire Two Turn Each Back on the Transformer
This will work for 5 amp @ 120 volt AC as you can see in the photo below
Then I used a ADC 0831 and a 4N33 Optic Sensor to work with the Basic Stamp
I also have a 2 line Parallax 2 LCD Display that I am using
More photo to Come later
··Thanks for any·

Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 8/29/2008 6:45:35 PM GMT
I also used it to cut round board for some RBG LEDs that i going to use in a project that I still working on
Here is the Link to the··Milling Machine·
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 8/28/2008 11:23:41 AM GMT
" has a 2 Amp fuse for the Speed Controller for the Milling Machine Controller that I keep blowing..."
"...The reason why the fuse keep blowing is if you try to cut to fast then you will blow the fuse..."
Something about all of this doesn't seem quite right, is the fuse under rated? is the Motor under rated? .... I'd find out "who" doesn't like the fuse first.· There might be other issues at play here causing the problem.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Thank You for your reply
Something about all of this doesn't seem quite right,
It could be·ME· or the· Milling Machine Motor·or the Fuse and this why··????
·is the Motor under rated?
The....Motor is rated @·...120V, 60 Hz, 1/5 HP; I think that this may be a Little under rated
It has Two Speeds which is geared
Working Speeds
High Speed 100-2000 RPM .......and....... Low Speed 100-1000 RPM
These Test where done at FULL Speed on the Controller with·NO Load
···In Low Speed the Amps are 0.85 Amps
This test was done until·it reached 2 Amps
Which takes a lot to trip it at 2 Amps
In High Speed· the Amps are 1.25
This test was done until·it reached 2 Amps
Which take very little to Trip it at 2 Amps
How ever it takes quite a·bit of torque to get it to two Amps in Low Speed
And sometime I think I·am may·not be using·the way it should be used
·is the fuse under rated
I was thinking of this as well so I put a 2.5 amp fuse in it and did the same·TEST Loading to two amps for ten second at a time 10 times ·and if use it this hard for very long the motor dose get quite warm
That is·why in the OVERLOAD routine I put a count down timer routine so
motor had time to cool down
So I guess that why they put a two amp fuse in it
·This happen one day when·I was cut·some 1 inch round hole in some plastic
Boxes that·I was working on and when a little to fast and blew the fuse
This what got me thinking about making something that would let know if
I going to fast with it
I'd find out "who" doesn't like the fuse first.
I think that Motor dose not like the·FUSE and it might not Like·ME either
·There might be other issues at play here causing the problem.
I maybe the problem that·I want to go to fast with this· Milling Machine
This· Milling Machine work very well if you take your time when cutting with it
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 8/30/2008 2:46:26 PM GMT