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VB6 and BASIC STAMP — Parallax Forums


DownsDowns Posts: 30
edited 2008-08-31 00:29 in BASIC Stamp
Hello all,

Can anyone point me in the right direction for learning how to send a command from Visual Basic 6 to a BASIC STAMP? Say I have a push button installed on my homework board and that push button starts a line of code once it pressed. How do I send a command from VB6 to tell that push button to fire? Sofar I'm able to link VB6 to my stamp and my stamp will send Text to my App. but it always sends a funny character for every CR command fired off by the BASIC STAMP. I think I'm some what on the right track but need some more help. All if any, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!


  • Tom-n-TonyTom-n-Tony Posts: 12
    edited 2008-08-30 15:10
    I'm attempting something similar. Is your BOE a serial version or a USB version? If it is USB, can you send me your VB code so I can see how you established serial communciaitons over a USB cable.

  • DownsDowns Posts: 30
    edited 2008-08-30 18:02

    I'm using the HomeWork Board and using the Parallax USB to Serial Adapter. Below is my code to my little project I'm working on. I have commented what's not working.

    Rex .....

    Visual Basic 6.0 Professional Side of the project:


    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''VB6 Pro.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ' '
    ' Example of controlling an LED on a BASIC STAMP '
    ' board, via Visual Basic 6.0 Professional '
    ' '
    ' BS HomeWork Board, USB to Serial Adapter '
    ' By Rex A. Downs '

    Option Explicit

    Dim PinNumber As Long
    Dim PinState As Long

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    ' Use COM1
    MSComm1.CommPort = 4

    ' 2400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
    MSComm1.Settings = "2400,N,8,1"

    ' Make sure DTR line is low to prevent Stamp reset
    MSComm1.DTREnable = False

    ' Open the port
    MSComm1.PortOpen = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdOn_Click()

    'Turn LED ON
    PinNumber = 14 ' PIN # on Basic Stamp Board Where LED is connected.
    PinState = 1 ' PIN State of Above PIN #.....( 1 = HIGH (On))
    MSComm1.Output = Chr$(255) & Chr$(PinNumber) & Chr$(PinState) ' Send Pin Number & Pin State to BS Board

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdOff_click()

    'Turn LED OFF
    PinNumber = 14 ' PIN # on Basic Stamp Board Where LED is connected.
    PinState = 0 ' PIN State of Above PIN #.....( 0 = LOW (Off))
    MSComm1.Output = Chr$(255) & Chr$(PinNumber) & Chr$(PinState) ' Send Pin Number & Pin State to BS Board
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    MSComm1.PortOpen = False 'Close Port
    End Sub

    Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm() 'This section is not working!!!!
    If MSComm1.CommEvent = comEvReceive Then 'Code to fire off if MSComm1 is receiving from the BS Board
    Text1.Text = MSComm1.Input ' Put result from BS Board in Text Box 1
    End If
    End Sub

    BASIC STAMP II Side of the project:


    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    PinNumber VAR Byte
    PinState VAR Byte


    ' Use the programming port to receive
    ' data at 2400 baud
    ' Wait for the synch byte (255) and then
    ' get the PinNumber and PinState

    SERIN 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT(255),PinNumber,PinState]

    ' If PinState=0 Then go to GoLow
    ' otherwise go to GoHigh

    BRANCH PinState,[noparse][[/noparse]GoLow,GoHigh]
    GOTO Main

    ' Set The pin low
    LOW PinNumber
    PAUSE 500
    SEROUT 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]"Off"] 'This is not working!!!
    GOTO Main

    ' Set the pin high
    HIGH PinNumber
    PAUSE 500
    SEROUT 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]"On"] 'This is not working!!!!
    GOTO Main
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2008-08-30 20:55
    Hi·Downs, although the following·link discuss's VB Express it contains some useful elements on how to send and receive data to and from the Stamp

    Sending and receiving strings is perhaps the easier if you have a way to do that

    MSComm1.Output = Chr$(255) &·"14" & Chr$(13)·&·"0" & Chr$(13)·' Send Pin Number & Pin State to BS Board,

    the carriage returns in the code above indicate and seperate·the end of each piece of data, to receive the data use the code below

    SERIN 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT(255),DEC2 PinNumber,DEC1 PinState]

    without too much alteration to your code PinNumber should now contain the value 14 and PinState 0

    Jeff T.
  • DownsDowns Posts: 30
    edited 2008-08-30 21:09
    Hey Jeff, My code is working well but the problem I'm having now is the part where the STAMP sends back the text ("On" or "Off") to my VB App. I've got the VB App. receiving the text from the STAMP but sometimes it's not complete, i.e.("n" instead of On or "ff" instead of Off) I'm not sure as to what the problem is. My code on the STAMP side is as follows:

    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    PinNumber VAR Byte
    PinState VAR Byte


    ' Use the programming port to receive
    ' data at 2400 baud
    ' Wait for the synch byte (255) and then
    ' get the PinNumber and PinState

    SERIN 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT(255),PinNumber,PinState]

    ' If PinState=0 Then go to GoLow
    ' otherwise go to GoHigh

    BRANCH PinState,[noparse][[/noparse]GoLow,GoHigh]

    ' Set The pin low
    LOW PinNumber
    SEROUT 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]"Off] 'This is not working!!!
    GOTO Main

    ' Set the pin high
    HIGH PinNumber
    SEROUT 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]"On"] 'This is not working!!!!
    GOTO Main
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2008-08-30 22:26
    Hi Downs, is it possible you are experiencing the same problem as described in this thread

    when you use the programming port the sent characters are echoed from the Stamp back to the PC so when you send 255,14 and 0 to the stamp the stamp replies "255140Off" those characters are now in the read buffer and need to be parsed.

    Jeff T.
  • DownsDowns Posts: 30
    edited 2008-08-31 00:29
    That makes sense! Now just have to figure out how to code that in VB. Thanks!!
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