Applying the Boe-Bot Digital Wheel Encoder Kit (28107) by Philip C. Pilgram
Has any one used the Parallax article Applying the Boe-Bot Digital Wheel Encoder Kit (28107) by Philip C. Pilgram. My question is that I am running my·heavily modified boe-bot (wider wheel base) and with a parallax USB servo controller and was wondering if these mods would affect the results of this article.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
the wheel base is about 1 1/2" wider to allow for the extra boards, twin battery packs etc.
I have added the Servo controller as I ran out of I/O which killed my motion control program based on time/measurements as I could not determine pulses as you have pointed out. I thought that by using the encoders i could shut down the servo's after x encoder pulses thereby getting coordinated motion.
We may have different ideas about what "coordinated motion" means. When I use the term, I mean "a constant speed ratio between two wheels, even if one of them gets slowed by external means". For that, precise control of every servo pulse is essential. If you just want to count encoder pulses and stop, your servo controllers probably won't get in the way.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
1 a. Bot wanders under own control
b. Bot gets remote command to return to it's starting point
2. Bot is given x/y coordinates to go to from known start position
and hopefully
3. Bot roams randomly then recieves command to go to x/y coordinates
I am not looking for pin point Accuracy but for it to be in the general area i.e 6 to 12 " of x/y
Am I on the right track with the encoders to establish a programable GPS system, as I can not think of an alternative, as the bot is for indoors a GPS unit is not possible.
Thanks again for your time