Pink communication problems with BS2e
I was hoping I could get help regarding a communication problem I'm having with a BS2e and pink. I'm trying to read set web variables on Pink (*see table below) but the readings I'm getting do not correspond to the values I've placed in the variable containers unless 7,8 and 9 mean 0, 2 and 128, respectively, in some format I'm unfamiliar with. I've also notice that when I recompile the program the values I'm reading in the Debug terminal change; and not to the values I should be seeing. I'm using the PINKReadVariable.bse program and have not modified it. The baud rate of the serial port has been set at 2400 as is the setting in the program. I've attached a gif image of a telnet session which looks nothing like the data being displayed in the tutorial. I changed TX(15) and RX(14) pins on the stamp to TX(13) and RX(12) and accordingly with the program variable descriptions but the results remain the same. My thinking here was that there might be a problem with the pins. I' beginning to believe it is a program formatting error but how would that be rectified? Anyway, if anyone has an idea as to what I'm doing incorrectly it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Variable name Current Value Description Update RAM Update Flash
Nb_var00= [noparse][[/noparse]03] Web variable 00 Modify Set Default Value
Nb_var01= [noparse][[/noparse]7] Web variable 01 Modify Set Default Value
Nb_var02= [noparse][[/noparse]8] Web variable 02 Modify Set Default Value
Nb_var03= [noparse][[/noparse]9] Web variable 03 Modify Set Default Value
Variable name Current Value Description Update RAM Update Flash
Nb_var00= [noparse][[/noparse]03] Web variable 00 Modify Set Default Value
Nb_var01= [noparse][[/noparse]7] Web variable 01 Modify Set Default Value
Nb_var02= [noparse][[/noparse]8] Web variable 02 Modify Set Default Value
Nb_var03= [noparse][[/noparse]9] Web variable 03 Modify Set Default Value
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Thanks for answering my post. As far as the time is concerned , I would say instantaneously. I've yet to run a test program successfully. I've tried writing and reading variables from the Pink as well as capturing the IP address and the results were the same, failure! As I watched the telnet session of each program communication, their output was similar to the output of PINKReadVariable.bse program. With the output of the IP capture program the Debug terminal only displayed " IP address:" with no IP address appended.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering