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floating zero reference point — Parallax Forums

floating zero reference point

Turnbull2112Turnbull2112 Posts: 65
edited 2008-08-26 18:15 in BASIC Stamp
so lets say I have a voltage being read from and ADC8031 that is my process variable. I need a zero reference offset that will be a temperature being read from another sensor. Can anyone show some example code on how to relate the two readings? I have worked through most of these projects in the books but I am having a hard time relating the code between concepts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.freaked.gif


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-08-26 18:15
    Could you explain you need further? Do you just need a variable from the temperature reading to combine with the ADC reading or do you need the reference to the ADC to be advusted depending on the temperature?

    - Stephen
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