PWM with constant Period
Need help to repeat PWM with constant period for 2nd LED and 3rd LED. Currently, APP007 from programming the SX Microcontroller by G. Daubach changes brightness from dark to bright on one LED. I need to duplicate for a 2nd and 3rd LED of different colors. After fade out of 1st LED, I would like the 2nd LED to fade in, then fade out, then the 3rd LED does the same, then the Loop to repeat cyle for the 3 LED's. Thank you.
[noparse][[/noparse]Edit] Added controls for the LEDs
Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 8/26/2008 11:06:20 PM GMT
Can't make the PWMLEDS to work. When I hit Run, both LED1 and LED2 lit up and stay lit. Wont fade out/dim. I am using only two LEDs for now. Also, for your comment "fill in the section Main o ramp LED's the way you want it", please guide me how to do it. Just starting with the SX so I still have a lot to chew on. Understood your PM message. Wont happen again.
I've updated the listing in my original post -- download it and give it a try.