How to display an integer variable on TV
Posts: 4,561
I've been using the TV_Text object to debug some code, and I've got it to work for outputting a decimal temperature, but I can't seem to find the right function for outputting an integer. There's next to no comments on the TV_Text object, so I'm lost. Can somebody give me a clue how to take a variable that is full of counted events, Frequency1, and get it to display as an integer?
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.
I've been using the TV_Text object to debug some code, and I've got it to work for outputting a decimal temperature, but I can't seem to find the right function for outputting an integer. There's next to no comments on the TV_Text object, so I'm lost. Can somebody give me a clue how to take a variable that is full of counted events, Frequency1, and get it to display as an integer?
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.
I see that there is a DEC method in TV_TEXT. I plugged my variable into it like this
but the compiler said it was looking for an expression term and highlighted my variable.
Any reason it would do that?
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.
Thanks Mike!
It might be the Information Age but the Eon of Ignorance has yet to end.