BS2 midi Out problem
I'm beginner with BS2 and I'm trying to send a midi Out to my
"Xstation" :
finaly I want to make a 6 piezo midi drum complect, wich I can connect to "Xstation" via midi
and controll the "reason" software
I've connected the midi cable as intructed in:
and loaded the code from here:
or my code:
it's two note on messages but with different velocity right ?
I've tried to varie the '$60' '$144' but still got no results in my synth.
The debug window is showing reaction but my synth is dead quiet
is it possible that this has smething to do with the boud rate ?
I'm beginner with BS2 and I'm trying to send a midi Out to my
"Xstation" :
finaly I want to make a 6 piezo midi drum complect, wich I can connect to "Xstation" via midi
and controll the "reason" software

I've connected the midi cable as intructed in:
and loaded the code from here:
or my code:
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} 'Note ON: $90, note (0 – 127), velocity (0 – 127) 'Note Off: $80, note (0 – 127), velocity (0 – 127) '--------------SEROUT 8, $60, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]$90, $60C, $127] DO: SEROUT 8, $60, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]$90, $144, $127] DEBUG HOME, "SEROUT 8, $60, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]$90, $144, $127]" PAUSE 1000 SEROUT 8, $60, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]$90, $144, $0] DEBUG HOME, "SEROUT 8, $60, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]$90, $144, $0]" PAUSE 1000 LOOP
it's two note on messages but with different velocity right ?
I've tried to varie the '$60' '$144' but still got no results in my synth.
The debug window is showing reaction but my synth is dead quiet
is it possible that this has smething to do with the boud rate ?
Try switching the BAUDMODE to 188 (decimal) which means no $.
Bruce Bates
Involvement and committment can be best understood by looking at a plate of ham and eggs. The chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. ANON
sorry for the dirty post, with a sily mistake.
I found this:
and I tried to change various Boudrates but, still the same ...
please can anny one help, thenk's