Using Stamp to control the frequency of an astable 555 timer
I am trying to make a half bridge driver from three 555 timers and the frequency is controlled by the stamp. I am trying to use the 128 pos digital pot to vary the resistance of the RC circuit however the turndown is choppy as the pot "steps." Does anyone have any ideas about how to do this where I can get a smooth turndown over the frequency range? I am pretty green to this stuff but I am trying my best to learn. Thanks.
What is the low freq, the high freq, and what's the value of the 128-step pot (can your provide a link to the 128-step pot's datasheet )?
You may appreciate knowing that the VCO section of the 4046 (CD4046, 74HC4046) is the same thing, works the same way.· It's still very available (Jameco, Mouser, &c.)
See attached.
Dave W.