Pushbutton Trigger Distance
I am using a Basic Stamp to control a halloween prop. Want to use a handheld pushbutton to trigger the prop. I want the prop to be approximately 30 yards away. How should I build this circuit? Should I have the input high and when I push the button it goes low or vice versa? Can I run it off the 5 volts powering the stamp? Any help in understanding what to do and why is appreciated.
Should be simple. You need a current limiting resistor and a pullup resistor.
·Check out the "button" command in the PBASIC help for a schematic and more info.
www.madlabs.info - Home of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Robot
Make sure not to try to light the LED using the Stamp pin as an output. There's no current limiting resistor for the LED that way. You normally want the resistors in the leads to the pushbutton because that's where you want the protection.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 8/24/2008 4:10:43 PM GMT
Thanks for the response. I wasn't sure if the pin would see high running 5 volts over 30 yards away. My basic stamp is located at the halloween prop and I just have the trigger in my hand.