"Stamp dock" Windows software to provide services to basic and javelin stamps.
"Stamp dock" Windows software.
I have been working on some PC software that provides services to basic stamps
through the serial connection you use to program it.
It emulates a color graphics screen, so you dont need a graphical LCD connected
to the stamp to make graphs of measured values, it can even draw dots in
color so you can show all kinds of "scans" .. it is even possible
for the software to report mouse clicks to the stamp, so you can create a GUI.
You can even save the graphics screen to the harddisk of the PC as IFF file.
Also there are other services like storing data on the harddisk of the
PC (and even reading data from harddisk) . making sound (beeps) or
retreiving the time from the PC.
There is also a command to check if the stamp is connected (docked) to a
PC so the stamp knows it can save its collected data on the harddisk of
the PC.
It also has a "normal" debug text window, with an extra option that you
can use ANSI color, and it has a button in the GUI to reset the basic stamp
by setting the DTR line for a 1/50th of a second.
So using software like this you save I/O pins because you dont need pins
for a display, data storage or sound.
Also the GUI of the software is configurable, you can remove bits .. make
the graphics section bigger or even make it full screen.
The software is in an early stage but works, so i wonder if there
are some people willing to test it and provide feedback on the current
options available and what they are missing in functionality.
I've made a fully functional demo which i have put on my website.
You can download the software by going to http://www.apsdev.com/ and going
to the "stamp dock" page.
Arend-Paul Spijkerman , ap@apsdev.com , www.apsdev.com
I have been working on some PC software that provides services to basic stamps
through the serial connection you use to program it.
It emulates a color graphics screen, so you dont need a graphical LCD connected
to the stamp to make graphs of measured values, it can even draw dots in
color so you can show all kinds of "scans" .. it is even possible
for the software to report mouse clicks to the stamp, so you can create a GUI.
You can even save the graphics screen to the harddisk of the PC as IFF file.
Also there are other services like storing data on the harddisk of the
PC (and even reading data from harddisk) . making sound (beeps) or
retreiving the time from the PC.
There is also a command to check if the stamp is connected (docked) to a
PC so the stamp knows it can save its collected data on the harddisk of
the PC.
It also has a "normal" debug text window, with an extra option that you
can use ANSI color, and it has a button in the GUI to reset the basic stamp
by setting the DTR line for a 1/50th of a second.
So using software like this you save I/O pins because you dont need pins
for a display, data storage or sound.
Also the GUI of the software is configurable, you can remove bits .. make
the graphics section bigger or even make it full screen.
The software is in an early stage but works, so i wonder if there
are some people willing to test it and provide feedback on the current
options available and what they are missing in functionality.
I've made a fully functional demo which i have put on my website.
You can download the software by going to http://www.apsdev.com/ and going
to the "stamp dock" page.
Arend-Paul Spijkerman , ap@apsdev.com , www.apsdev.com