Controll your robot way without GPS"smal area,or closed"
To controll your robot without GPS, have one simple way to this.
Use one ascelerometer to determine velocity , and other like a gyroscope,
Place one init point for your robot and make this to run on any ambient of your house, with this your robot are acknowledge in·about "in low velocity is bether choice if you control de aceleration with a rpm of motor"·mms per second
and the position of your ascelerometer "or gyroscope".
I have one code to transform your ascelerometer in positioning based gyroscope
Like this
with mensic 2125
measure the time period of x axis
count is a·offset of·mensic no movement
if measure<count counter=counter+measure· right degrees
if measure>count counter=counter-measure· left degrees
acumulate the counter in memory per distance.
Use one ascelerometer to determine velocity , and other like a gyroscope,
Place one init point for your robot and make this to run on any ambient of your house, with this your robot are acknowledge in·about "in low velocity is bether choice if you control de aceleration with a rpm of motor"·mms per second
and the position of your ascelerometer "or gyroscope".
I have one code to transform your ascelerometer in positioning based gyroscope
Like this
with mensic 2125
measure the time period of x axis
count is a·offset of·mensic no movement
if measure<count counter=counter+measure· right degrees
if measure>count counter=counter-measure· left degrees
acumulate the counter in memory per distance.