12v DC fan connection
hey everyone...
I'm currently working on the parallax Process Control Kit......and one of its tasks involves using a 12v DC fan. However, the included fan has a power port that doesn't seem to have a compatible socket on the boared of education.....so is there a way to connect it to the boared or do I have to cut off the port and just·plug in·the wires in the breadboard????
I'm currently working on the parallax Process Control Kit......and one of its tasks involves using a 12v DC fan. However, the included fan has a power port that doesn't seem to have a compatible socket on the boared of education.....so is there a way to connect it to the boared or do I have to cut off the port and just·plug in·the wires in the breadboard????
Sorry for the delay in replying.· Did you find a solution? We used to have fans with tinned leads, but a substitution was shipped at some point, please accept our apologies. We won't be using this fan anymore.· If you can fit a jumper wire into this fan's socket, you can plug the other end into your Board of Education.· If jumper wires do not fit in this fan's socket, it would be possible to clip and strip an inch of wire, then wrap the end around the end of a jumper wire, and seal with electrical tape.··If this solution isn't useful for you,·please send me a private message.
Thanks much,
Stephanie Lindsay
Editor, Parallax·Inc.