Radar to Robots
It´s interesting to use one·"Ultrasonic Radar"·.
The principle is simple >> turn your motor with knowledge RPM" Slowly RPM"
with the Ultrasonic transducer "send and receiver", then you send a pulse and the return·is a distance of object "obvious"·,after this you plot a graphical obstacles in one screen, or in memory of your robot·.
In magazine ELECTRONICS NOW september of 1993 have one this type.
If you have interest in this , contact me.
Luiz Mauricio Mion
The principle is simple >> turn your motor with knowledge RPM" Slowly RPM"
with the Ultrasonic transducer "send and receiver", then you send a pulse and the return·is a distance of object "obvious"·,after this you plot a graphical obstacles in one screen, or in memory of your robot·.
In magazine ELECTRONICS NOW september of 1993 have one this type.
If you have interest in this , contact me.
Luiz Mauricio Mion
Thank you...
Sorry about my English....
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering