new to prop
blind faith
Posts: 2
i just received the prop rpm it uses serial port communication but i cant seem to get the software to recognize that there is a prop plugged in. i have 6v and the serial plug attached and the serial port is on com port 1 on my computer. when i go to run identify hardware it says there is no propeller plugged in. i'd appreciate some help been banging my head off the wall.
Is there a reset button that might be sticking?
Welcome to the Propeller!
Check to make sure your serial comms cable has these connections (with a multimeter, or even a buzzer and battery)
Prop RPM Board
> PC end (9 pin 'D' type)
Pin 2 (RX) Pin 3 (TX)
Pin 3 (TX) Pin 2 (RX)
Pin 4 (DTR) Pin 4 (DTR)
Pin 5 (Ground) Pin 5 (Ground)
In other words you need a crossover cable and not a straight through cable.
Hope that helps you.
With regards
Did you ever get your issues resolved?
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
JMH - Electronics: Engineer - Programming: Professional
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 8/27/2008 5:47:16 PM GMT
This, along with the Parallax course ware, makes for an excellent foundation for self-exploration of the myriad views of the same subject matter from varying perspectives.
JMH - Electronics: Engineer - Programming: Professional